
1. **丰富营养**:每100克杏鲍菇含有31.00大卡热量,8.30克碳水化合物,0.10克脂肪,1.30克蛋白质。在蛋白质中,包含了人体必需的18种氨基酸,这对于维持身体健康至关重要。

2. **增强免疫力**:杏鲍菇富含蛋白质和多种维生素,尤其是维生素B群,这些成分有助于提高人体免疫功能,增强机体对外界不良因素的抵抗能力。

3. **降血脂、降胆固醇**:杏鲍菇中的膳食纤维能够有效清除血清胆固醇,降低血脂,对预防心血管疾病有积极作用。

4. **促进消化**:杏鲍菇富含膳食纤维,能够增强肠胃蠕动,帮助便秘患者润肠通便,排除体内毒素,保持皮肤光泽,改善肤色暗沉。

5. **抗癌作用**:杏鲍菇中含有的多糖成分具有激活T淋巴细胞、刺激抗体形成、增强人体免疫力、抗癌和抗肿瘤的作用。

6. **美容护肤**:丰富的膳食纤维和维生素E等成分有助于保持皮肤健康,减少皮肤暗沉,达到美容护肤的效果。

7. **调节贫血**:杏鲍菇内含丰富的铁质,可以调节缺铁性贫血、溶血性贫血和失血性贫血等症状。

8. **健脾开胃**:杏鲍菇味道鲜美,口感脆嫩,有助于健脾开胃,增进食欲。

9. **抗自由基**:杏鲍菇中的多糖对自由基引起的脂质过氧化有抑制作用,有助于延缓衰老。

10. **价格实惠**:相较于其他保健食品,杏鲍菇价格亲民,是一种物美价廉的健康食品。



1. **清热解毒**:蒲公英具有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗热毒引起的疾病,如急性乳腺炎、咽喉炎、急性扁桃体炎、眼结膜炎、流行性腮腺炎等。

2. **抗菌消炎**:蒲公英对多种细菌有抑制作用,如金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌、幽门螺杆菌等,因此可用于治疗各种感染性疾病。

3. **抗病毒作用**:蒲公英对某些病毒也有抑制作用,如ECHO11病毒。

4. **利胆作用**:蒲公英可以促进胆汁的分泌和排出,有助于治疗慢性胆囊炎、胆石症等疾病。

5. **保肝作用**:蒲公英对肝脏有保护作用,可降低内毒素引起的肝细胞损伤,对急性肝损伤有保护作用。

6. **抗肿瘤作用**:蒲公英提取物对多种癌症有抑制作用,如乳腺癌、食管癌、胃癌、肝癌、大肠癌等。

7. **利尿作用**:蒲公英被称为“尿床草”,具有利尿作用,适合水肿患者饮用。

8. **助消化作用**:蒲公英有助于消化,对胃及十二指肠溃疡有治疗作用。

9. **催乳作用**:蒲公英可以疏通乳脉管,促进泌乳,对治疗乳腺炎十分有效。

10. **美容养颜**:蒲公英可以治疗感染性皮肤疾病,如寻常痤疮、扁平疣、湿疹等。

11. **其他作用**:蒲公英还可以改善胃黏膜血流,减轻胃黏膜炎症,具有健胃、轻泻作用。



1. **高营养价值**:香椿含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、矿物质和维生素。每100克香椿中含有的钙、钾、维生素C、胡萝卜素等营养成分,均高于许多其他蔬菜。

2. **增强免疫力**:香椿中含有的维生素C和胡萝卜素有助于增强机体的免疫功能,提高抵抗力,预防疾病。

3. **抗氧化作用**:香椿中富含的维生素E和植物性雌激素,能够抗氧化,防止自由基对细胞的损害,有助于延缓衰老。

4. **健胃消食**:香椿中的芳香物质能够刺激食欲,帮助消化,改善消化系统的功能。

5. **润肤养颜**:香椿含有丰富的维生素C,能够促进肌肤中的黑色素分解,具有美白肌肤的效果。同时,其含有的维生素E和植物性雌激素有助于保持肌肤的弹性和细腻。

6. **明目护眼**:香椿中含有的维生素A和胡萝卜素在人体内可以转化为维生素A,有助于保护视网膜,预防干眼病和视力下降。

7. **抗菌消炎**:香椿具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,可用于治疗疮疡、疥癞等皮肤病。

8. **助孕作用**:香椿中含有的性激素物质被认为有助于调节女性内分泌,对不孕不育症有一定疗效,因此有“助孕素”的美称。

9. **驱虫作用**:香椿的挥发性气味能够杀蛔虫,对于肠道寄生虫有一定的驱除作用。

10. **其他功效**:香椿还具有清热解毒、燥湿清热、收敛固涩等功效,对于肠炎、痢疾、泌尿系统感染等有一定的辅助治疗作用。



### 药效详解

1. **止血化瘀**:田七具有显著的止血和活血化瘀功效,可用于治疗各种出血症状,如便血、吐血等。

2. **消肿止痛**:适用于跌打损伤、瘀血内阻引起的胸腹及关节疼痛,能活血化瘀,消肿定痛。

3. **降低胆固醇和甘油三酯**:有助于调节血脂,降低心血管疾病风险。

4. **保护心脏**:对冠心病、心绞痛等心脏疾病有辅助治疗作用。

5. **免疫调节**:田七具有调节免疫反应的作用,既不使免疫反应过高也不使过低,有利于维持正常的免疫状态。

6. **促进细胞合成**:田七能促进蛋白质、核糖核酸(RNA)、脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的合成,提高脑力,增强学习记忆能力。

7. **扩张血管**:有助于改善微循环,增加血流量,双向调节血糖、降低血脂、胆固醇,抑制动脉硬化。

8. **抗衰老**:田七具有延缓衰老的作用,增强人体抗疲劳能力,促进血液再生。

9. **抗炎、保肝**:具有抗炎和保肝作用。

### 食用技巧

1. **购买选择**:购买田七时,应选择颗大、坚实、滑身、无枝爪、无霉变、无虫蛀的优质田七。

2. **食用方法**:
– **炖汤**:将田七与鸡肉、排骨等食材一起炖汤,如木耳田七红枣汤。
– **药膳**:将田七与胡椒根、猪肚等食材一起煲汤,如三七胡椒根煲猪肚。
– **泡酒**:将田七泡酒,长期饮用可保健养生。
– **磨粉服用**:将田七加工成粉末,可加入汤或饮料中食用。

3. **食用量**:一般成年人每天食用量不超过10克,具体用量需根据个人体质和病情调整。

4. **禁忌**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、妇女月经期间及有出血倾向的人应慎用田七。

5. **注意事项**:田七性温,过量食用可能导致口干、便秘等不适,故需适量食用。


However, deep in her heart, she sighed slightly. After all, she came to plan to receive the order from the Hundred Eyes Devil. After all, she was an alien and had no deep feelings for the Terran, so she could turn a blind eye to the ghosts of the Hundred Eyes Devil’s hand.

However, it is impossible for Lu Yu Terran sages to be like this. Now that they have seen it, they have to end the cause and effect.
See which the blue woman agreed to Liu Yu is also quietly relieved, he really don’t want to and in front of the enemy, after all, there is Mao Rixing jun behind her.
Now that the two have reached a consensus, it is natural for the two sides to have fun.
At this time, the enlightenment in the hole of the silk screen has made great achievements, pulled out a finger on it, and used the method of incarnation outside the body to kill all the poisonous insects.
Only a few spider spirits disappeared. Several people hurried to the backyard and saw it. They were also hung in the middle and wrapped into big cocoons, Tang Priest.
"No, the master is out of breath!" At first glance, I found the Tang Priest strange. At this time, the monk had already lost interest and even his face became livid.
Hearing this, the sand monk hurried forward to put his finger on the Tang Priest’s nose and gently explore the loss. He was so stunned that he was livid that six gods didn’t know what to do for a while.
At this time, the monkey has cleaned up the vast number of poisonous insects and strode to find that his two younger brothers stood in the same place and stared at them. The monkey also saw the Tang Priest strange.
My heart felt as if someone was beating gongs and drums, and he especially didn’t believe that the monk was really a corpse when he wiped his eyes and started his eyes. This kind of change made him stunned for a while, even though his nature was shocked at this time.
"How is it possible!" There is a voice in the monkey’s heart growling at the importance of Tang Priest. People in the three realms don’t know how it is possible to die here easily.
"Protect Galand?" The monkey’s eyes were red and he shouted at the sky.
Suddenly, Galand, the protector of God’s great release, appeared in the middle and bowed to the monkey, saying, "The little god has seen the Great Sage and I don’t know what it is that the Great Sage called me to wait out."
The monkey didn’t speak. He held the golden cudgel tightly and loosely, and watched the hearts of several gods beating. I don’t know what happened to the Monkey King.
"Oh, my God!" Suddenly someone exclaimed, revealing disbelief and despair.
When everyone saw the guardian Galand pointing to the Tang Priest’s direction and trembling, they seemed to see something terrible, so they cast their eyes there one after another. Then everyone’s face suddenly solidified and there was an idea in their hearts: "The sky is falling!"
Chapter four hundred and fifty-three.
We and others have worked hard to escort people to death here, but we and others don’t know it. Now this situation is what they will face, and the mighty men behind them will be able to redeem today’s sins even if they are stunned.
"Impossible!" The custodian of the Galand seems to be dazed, shaking his head and saying.
Others don’t know, but he knows that Tang Priest has a special cause and effect set by western saints, and all demons can’t give birth to the idea of killing him at once. This is the result of destiny takes a hand, but why is Tang Priest still dead?
At this moment, he was cold and could not help shivering. He looked up at the sky.
Wu went to the front of Tang Priest and turned several times, then carefully looked at the dead Tang Priest.
Calm down after the initial shock, but the monkey has doubts. Others don’t know him, but it is very clear that Tang Priest is now a Buddha sitting on a golden cicada’s strength. No, even if a character like him has the intention to kill, he will try his best to let him run away. How can he die like this?
Soon everyone found the monkey and asked, "What did the Great Sage find?"
Nowadays, monkeys are their lifeline. Among so many people, he has the highest realm strength and the most powerful avatar. That’s a great avatar. It’s already the most drawn group of people in the three realms. Many people often know that others have access to secrets.
"Hum, if this monk’s humanitarian fate is really life and death, this huge fate is enough to ruin this place, and how can it be so quiet?" The monkey snorted and said that at this moment he was eager to beat the monk with a golden hoop.
At this time, the Tang Priest had dissipated his vitality and quickly recovered. His face became ruddy again and he gradually breathed.
This column changes in a few minutes, and the people around you are stunned. What kind of magic exercise is this?
So everyone was surprised. Tang Priest slowly opened his eyes and muttered, "Well, this is a good sleep."
When I saw so many pairs of eyes around me, my face was full of doubts and asked, "What are you all staring at me for?"
"Master, you are alive again." Jie said with surprise.
Everyone was talking about the former situation. Only the monkey looked at the monk who came back from the dead with a faint eye. Just that moment, the Tang Priest failed to perfectly hide his breath. The monkey keenly felt that Tang Priest had become stronger again.
"I’m very sorry for bothering several gods, Xuanzang!" Tang Priest’s face apologetically said to Liuding Liujia and the custodian of Galand.
He overestimated the strength of these spider spirits. He never thought that monkeys could come in so easily. He was surprised that he could understand such a scene.
This is a unique avatar of golden cicada. By entering suspended animation and then waking up again, it can restore its former strength, which is healing and restoring its strength.
Several gods even said that they couldn’t afford this ceremony. Of course, at this time, they were full of doubts, but they didn’t ask questions. Naturally, this ability should be a secret. Is there any way to announce it?
Only the monkey is eager to compete with the Tang Priest. After all, even now, he can feel the heavy pressure, which aroused his fighting heart.
Jie and the sand monk are also silent. They seem to realize that this Tang Xuanzang is not the same as before, but this is also a good thing. Although Tang Priest was compassionate, his integrity was almost pedantic. In fact, it was not pleasing. For the sand monk, he saved his life and was a golden cicada. He was eager for the golden cicada to come back
So they were strangely quiet and didn’t know what to say.
"It’s getting late, and we should go!" In the end, Tang Priest broke the deadlock. He has sensed that this node has been activated and it is time to start.
"It’s time to get to the road after some delay," said the monkey, nodding his head against his fighting spirit.
"It’s a pity that this vegetarian meal was not eaten." Jie said with some regret.
"Isn’t there some vegetarian food to eat?" The monkey pointed to the scattered human flesh teasing.
Jie hurriedly looked at the Tang Priest and saw that his face had not changed. Then he said, "Monkey don’t bully me. My old pig is also a serious person, so how can he do that man-eating business?"
"You are a serious person. I asked you to kill those female monsters. What did you do?" The monkey picked his eyebrows.
"Brother, you don’t want to pollute people’s innocence. An old pig fought bravely to kill the enemy. There was something to hide." However, it was not enough to say this. He secretly looked at the Tang Priest’s reaction and found that there was no change. This made sure that the monk had really changed in front of him. I was afraid that he would have to give a long lecture in the past, but now he seems to turn a deaf ear.
"I know what I’m doing, and if I do it again, I’ll serve you with iron bars."
"Know the master elder brother" so promised to the in the mind is aggrieved thinking "damn smelly monkey wicked Bi Mawen knew to frighten me with a sad stick" didn’t notice the Tang priest look at his strange eyes.
The four of them packed up and saluted, and set a big fire to burn the pan silk hole, and then they continued their westward journey.
And the poisonous insect covered the escape from the birth day. Seven spider spirits looked at the flames in the distance, and their faces all showed a look of hatred. However, their family was sisters, and they accumulated their possessions little by little and never thought about it, so they were destroyed.
"Elder sister, our family is gone," said the youngest of the seven people.
"Damn monk, I think they are at loggerheads. It won’t be so easy to forget it." Elder sister bit her teeth and said angrily.


An Yan’s eyebrows are screwed tightly, and he is still holding the words in his hand. "If you are sick, please ask the doctor to call me."
"But Mr. Xiao seems really uncomfortable now. I just asked me to make him a cup of black coffee. I saw that his face was ugly and his face was cold sweat. You’d better go and have a look."
It’s not that I didn’t think he was ill because he seemed to look really ugly this day, but he was in good spirits last night. Is it because he said that she really messed him up at night?
But Anyan didn’t remember anything except getting up early and seeing the blue needle on the back of her hand and knowing that she was really sick last night and lost fluids.
But at the moment, she doesn’t want to compromise. "If you really can’t hold on, call a doctor or send me to the hospital. Since you can still call me, the situation is ok, but I have something to do now."
"Miss Ann, Mr. Xiao got sick because he took care of you. I heard that he got up early this morning to make breakfast for you. Can’t you even go and see him?"
The atmosphere was a little sauce, and I looked at Poria stupefied.
After a long time, she squinted and smiled. "You make it sound like what happened to me last night. I’m also a little curious. Why did I suddenly get sick when I came here yesterday? Even sick to the point where the doctor came over overnight. "
Poria was silent for several seconds before she bowed her head. "… I don’t know if you want to ask Mr. Xiao, but we were all called by Mr. Xiao in the middle of the night, and Joe invited Dr. Shen at three or four in the middle of the night."
It’s clear whether Poria is lying or not, and Jing Jing also said that they came last night.
Although there is no specific time, it is at least after midnight.
She bit her teeth and clutched her hand tightly. There was no impression in her brain, and many scattered memories appeared in her mind.
And Xiao Jinggang just said those words to her outside, which filled her mind.
In the end, she followed the Fuling building, but the man was not in the room. His notes were still on the table. The display screen was a complex economic curve. Fuling made coffee and put it aside without any passive traces.
Poria cocos frowned. "Just now Mr. Xiao was still sitting here and it was very uncomfortable."
Off the topic-
Here, a friend pulls an essay ticket, please have an essay ticket in your hand to vote for a bottle gourd "Rebirth Gourmet Chef" ~
The first volume Chapter 19 I said, of course, of course, that’s my answer.
Chapter 1
The atmosphere is a little stiff. Poria quickly looked up and looked at Anyan and said, "Miss Ann, I didn’t lie to you. Mr. Xiao is really uncomfortable …"
Xiao Jing’s room is very big, many walls are high to the top of the wall, and there are many green plants in the room. Poria went in and looked into the depths two steps, and there was no one on the sofa over there with the floor-to-ceiling windows.
When I turned around again, Anyan had disappeared at the door.
An Yan found Xiao Jing in her room once.
To her surprise, when she was away from all the decorations in the room for so long, she was as angry and fresh as before, and there was no trace of dust in the room.
She knocked on the door and went in. Almost at a glance, she saw a tall man on the side of her window. His body was still a gray knitted sweater at home. What was he looking at with his head down at the moment?
Section 31
Hearing the sound of the door, the man turned around and looked at her half-squinting.
An Yan walked straight towards him. Xiao Jing hooked his lips and smiled. "Are you awake?"
The man’s voice is deep and hoarse. As Poria said, he should be ill because Anyan thinks there is a burning sensation in his voice.
She quietly looked up at him without saying anything, but in his eyes, he gently stood on tiptoe and his fingers covered his forehead. At that time, the man noticed that the hot forehead touched her cool palm and spilled a sigh from his mouth.
An Yan’s eyebrows tightened. I just wanted to withdraw my finger, but I didn’t expect him to raise his hand and hold her finger and say to her warmly, "That’s it."
The woman’s lips are open. "Poria said you don’t look well. Do you want to call a doctor?"

Xia Lu raised his eyebrows and said, "Generally speaking, men who are not loyal should not make friends."

"Is that what I mean?" To Hoai whale chased to explain.
Xia Lu, um, hummed "I’m not recording."
When he holds his head, he will never think about what Xia Lu’s trick is. She can always find a way to make a move, but it’s not his move
Just after the New Year’s Eve dinner, my parents sent them out to play mahjong.
Tonight, Xia Lu learned a lesson and never touched a drop of wine, so he took Lao Xia and them back smoothly, but Lao Xia refused to leave until they were addicted to their hands.
"To Hoai Whale, do you know why I ran away from marriage five years ago?" Xia Lu and To Hoai whale walked side by side in their community. Xia Lu held the artificial lake fence and asked him.
To Hoai whales really don’t understand.
Because at that time, although he was reluctant, this kind of thing often happened in the rich and powerful families, and after marriage, he could play with each other. To Hoai whales were more common in the circle
He might even be such a person himself. As a result, his fiancee ran away first, and later said that the engagement would last for five years, and if there was no emotional foundation for each other after five years, the engagement would be dissolved.
This is the condition that Xia Jia promised to come. During the five-year period, he paid no attention to his fiancee, and even in name only, he still lived his own life smartly.
"I don’t understand. Is it wronged to be engaged to me?" To Hoai whale solution
Xia Lu looked at him and couldn’t help laughing. "My narcissism and cognition are a little low. I don’t believe that love and marriage may be out of control from an early age. I don’t think it is the conservation of permanent energy, just like I won’t like a dress forever."
"This happens to coincide with mine. We should solve each other and don’t have to destroy the social harmony." To some extent, To Hoai Whale also thinks so.
Xia Lu snorted and smiled, "I’m not as great as you."
"That’s because you are afraid to try with me? I just want to break off the engagement and reject one thing to some extent because it has already affected myself. "To Hoai whale near the eyes fell into Xia Lu’s sharp eyes.
His eyes actually reflected the moonlight in the dark.
"Oh, I’ve played the goading method badly. Is it right for me?" Xia Lu don’t look away. "To Hoai whales can be different from men and women, so let us be an accident among the general public."
To Hoai whale hooked his lips. "What kind of fake brother and sister?"
"I don’t have this hobby, To Hoai Whale. What kind of rubbish is in your head!" Xia Lu gave him a cross look.
To Hoai Whale, um, grunted, "Nothing is filled with you."
This wave of earthy love words is impacting Xia Lu’s heart.
"Su Shao, I wonder how you hooked up with your sister before?" To Hoai whale, a master in love, doesn’t seem to win by local love words.
To Hoai whale lifted its jaw to reveal its good line sense, "I was too young to be sensible in the past."
"It must be someone else’s kindness."
"Then why don’t you be kind enough to recycle me?" To Hoai Whale boasted.
Xia Lu looked at the To Hoai whale with a frown. "This year, the charity has done more than the quota. I will consider one?"
"No, it’s 30 days today." To Hoai whales have never felt that their mathematics is so brilliant
Xia Lu raised her mobile phone and shook it at him. "Look at it clearly: Happy Junior One in Sue."
To Hoai whales may not be able to turn over in Xialukeng.
Thank you, sister "nie&" Monthly Pass. Love you ~
Chapter three hundred and seven Accompany me to a place
Fu’s excitement did not stop.
Suddenly, Fang Yuying answered the words that Fu Jingming fainted at the airport, and Fu Zhiwei and Fang Yuying left Fu’s home.
"Jing Yun, you take your second uncle and second aunt to the hospital" Fu Shen confessed.
Fu Jingyun stopped by to find out the situation without drinking at night.
Although I can’t get through it, I really touched something, and this family relationship can’t be erased.
To the people’s hospital Fu Jingyun took them into the emergency room.
"Uncle, aunt!" Four young boys greeted politely.

"Miss Wu is fine, so there is no need to add new colors."

"No, I don’t like the good guy card," Wu Yuting said with a smile. "I’d rather throw cold water on it and have to admit that you are an excellent object among all my choices, but there are people in your heart that I can’t get in."
Feng Xiao thought that she might be the same way. She was issued a good friend card many years ago when she had someone else in mind.
Now, she doesn’t know where in the world she may get married and have children, but he is still waiting for the white roses to bloom and her return.
It’s a beautiful but unrealistic fairy tale.
"I don’t want to lie to you." Feng Xiao is very honest.
"Thank you for meeting us. I respect you for making it easier to eat next." Wu Yuting’s gentleness and generosity are revealed in her bones.
Feng Xiao slightly, and raised his glass.
At the end of the meal, Feng Xiao received an assistant’s itinerary. When there was an item in Haicheng that he had already booked.
Wu Yuting said, "I’ll see you soon."
Feng Xiao knew that they would never meet again, because he didn’t intend to know or develop new feelings from the beginning. Ironically, he never told that person that he liked it.
They are nothing, but he is struggling to hold on to the past white roses.
If you miss the flowering period and miss the meeting, you will poke his hand all over with blood.
On the day he flew to Haicheng, he had recovered his working mood. Seeing him in secret, he returned his dinner very successfully and had a good relationship with General Wu’s daughter. After all, he secretly revealed his preferences to General Wu himself.
Feng Xiao and Mi collapsed together in Haicheng Hotel and went to see Hefang at noon.
They arrived at the joint company building.
Feng Xiao followed the secret with steady steps until Feng Xiao stopped and the secret almost bumped into him. Fortunately, he was quick of eye and feet.
I haven’t seen you for years.
About three years.
It has been two years since Fu Jingxiao’s wedding.
The only chance that might appear, she didn’t show up.
Low ponytail delicate makeup champagne silk shirt with black wide-leg suit pants and high heels are still the same. Pearl earrings set her off more exquisitely.
Feng Xiao eyes were attracted to the past.
"What’s the matter? "The secret asked Feng Xiao to see him stand still.
Feng Xiao muttered "White Rose"
After the secret, I didn’t understand that he was fascinated. "General Manager Xu and General Manager Feng knew it before."
That manager Xu has already come. "Mr. Feng has come to welcome you." Then he came and handed me his hand.
While Feng Xiao shook hands with him, his eyes drifted to the woman behind him.
"Come on, come on, this is the new project agreed by our investment consultant," Xu said, pulling Feng Xiao.
Feng Xiao stretched out her hand to say hello to her. "Hello, Hefang."
Yan Chenxi raised her lips and said, "Don’t be ill."
There are many ups and downs in life, so there is no fate, but there will be a reincarnation wheel again
Feng Xiao has been thinking about putting white roses for a long time and wants to seek red roses, but white roses and red roses are still different.
After talking about the merger,
"I just saw a flower shop on my way. White roses are beautiful. Let’s go and have a look. 」
Yan Chenxi shrugged. "If you send it."
He didn’t answer, but they walked side by side. The story never started with a white rose, but it never ended with a white rose.
Fanwai CP can’t disassemble 1.
When Gu Yanling met Lu again, it was after her stepmother divorced her father that she finally won a devil training camp for variety performers.
She went because Chen Duo encouraged her.
It is strange that after the divorce, Chen Duo became her mentor, and even when she was confused, Chen Duo helped her tie the knot.
Gu Yanling wanted to rely on Chen Duo to enter the starlight, but Chen Duo divorced her father with her backbone. She really caused their divorce herself.
Later, I learned that the contradiction had already arisen.
Divorce is just that there is no retreat in the end.
Because her father married her stepmother, she was afraid that her stepmother would rebel if she was not good to her, but the more she rebelled against Chen Duo, there was nothing for her to find fault with.
She’s just resentful.
But after their divorce, she couldn’t resent it, because Chen Duo was so good that she couldn’t live without her, as if she had to go to her place to heal when she was in trouble, and she would start again.
The reality show of Devil’s Training Camp is a live broadcast without editing, which is very challenging for new actors.
The reality show will eliminate teachers from one round of five people, and they will see the strength of actors behind the scenes to eliminate teachers, all of whom are professional drama college tutors and industry directors.
Actors in this industry will be in such a direct elimination mechanism, which is very realistic, so that new actors can see this reality first.
Gu Yanling met Lu Shi on the first day of recording.
I met him before the audition. He seems to be her. He can see the result, but she didn’t know until after the official announcement.
Land is long in others’ favor.
You can be cold and aloof when you don’t laugh, but you can warm people’s hearts when you smile. You can switch yourself at any time. This is probably the person who was born to be an actor.
But I want to be an actor, but it takes a lot of effort and effort.
First of all, everyone will draw different roles. The devil is really the devil. Gu Yanling gets the role of tramp.
She comes to whatever she is afraid of.
Is that she doesn’t understand the state of life.
When shooting, it depends on how the actor tries to figure out the role, understands the role and finally presents the role.
I saw that everyone was studying the role carefully and then thinking about how to play it. For a minute, tears flowed and some of them were already rolling around. After all, everyone would be seen in the camera shooting.
Gu Yanling really doesn’t know.

As nothing happened, Royi stayed there to get familiar with the environment.

When I walked to several independent offices, Royi suddenly paused for a while, and the staff hurriedly pulled her away.
"Don’t go near that office."
Talking to her is responsible for receiving a girl.
Royi looked at her partner’s face and said seriously, "That teacher Yan was specially invited to be as free as you, but he has reached the master level."
"But he doesn’t like women …" The girl whispered.
Royi seemed surprised for a while and then blinked to show that he knew.
That man is Yan Yuan. She just hesitated whether to say hello or not, but she forgot to think of his strange temper. Royi touched her nose and left with the little girl.
Yan Yuan did come here once in a while and just looked up and saw that familiar little face struggling.
Also, she would come and say hello, but she ran away
Yan Yuan shook his head and didn’t care. After all, she had something with that person and they shouldn’t have.

At noon in Beicheng, the sun shines high and the snow melts a little.
No one in the bustling and quiet city knows that an undercurrent is attacking in a tough and overbearing way.
A group of neat and dazzling lights on the expressway outside the city galloped in the direction of the north city, like a long dragon whistling and surrounded by people comparable to the arrogant and neat license plate number.
Brush a row of nine together, dazzling and awe-inspiring
There is a man in the back seat of the car.
Slender hands on knees and wrists reveal a piece of watch hands ticking and turning.
The perfect outline of a man’s face is faintly visible in the shadows.
Very quiet.
With that kind of cold that makes people afraid to breathe.
Section 2
The speed of the car seems to have slowed down slowly.
The person in front trembled a little and reported, "Madam, the snow in front is serious, so the speed can be guaranteed."
For a long time, the man turned slightly and hummed a word from his nose.
"Remember to call him."
The sound of a man’s thin lips is as cold as ice and snow.
Words fall in front of people again and again.
And the revered man slowly turned around and revealed his face, which had not been very real.
Zhang Jun’s face seems to be shrouded in the haze of law penetration, and his eyes are like blades with forced cold.
He lifted his finger lightly and landed at a certain point in the glass, looking at the distance and hooked his lips.
Have you ever thought about paying the price for what the third child did?

Ling was awakened by a hurried bell, opened his eyes for a while and found himself left in the bed.
The bell is still ringing
People who are caught in the Pakistan side with one hand are lazy to sit up and dress.
The other party is Lin Yuan’s urgent voice.
I don’t know what the other party said with a button finger and almost dropped the words.
He turned to hold his face in one hand instead of being casual.
"I’m going."
"Wait, send someone to pick up the young lady and take people to the suburban villa first."
Said the ling hung up the words with his lip angle, and a rare color poured out of his brow. I didn’t expect him to find it so soon
Ling rushed out of Royi’s room, and the servant was not surprised to see people disappear like the wind.
There’s a man in the second young lady’s room? !

"Please spare my family too much. Think of it as the unborn little emperor Sun Jifu."

Duguye flew into a rage and dragged all his unborn children in.
"Sure enough, you have a brain disease and a head cut off."
A white light and a bloody head flew out.
"Attack" Du Guye pointed to Tongcheng with a wave of his long sword.
After several hours of storming, we finally attacked Tong.
A ray of dawn dyed bright day Du Guye breathed a long breath in the blood-stained city wall.
Another one!
Duguye decided to stay in Tonglue for a while before leaving.
Yue Qing’s affair has affected the Yue family. Fortunately, no one dares to plead.
Yue Qing was sent out and said that he had everything.
But more is to support Du Guye, regardless of the previous situation. This one has won, and holding the emperor is not allowed to be second-minded.
Loyal to the former dynasty? Yeah, find a quiet place to commit suicide by caesarean section. No one will hinder anyone.
But lurking in the army, all kinds of calculations killed several koo soldiers, who were his comrades-in-arms who lived together day and night
People who live and die together, what loyalty can he betray?
Therefore, in the army, Yue Qing became a famous street and was scolded several times.
Duguye occupied the government office and often recruited people to come over to discuss the war plan.
The first battle of Tong laid the foundation stone for recovering lost territory.
Further on, there is no more difficult siege pool than Tong. If there is no accident, it will be flat.
Wu came in "Tairui Wang xin" with a letter.
Duguye picked his eyebrows and was surprised. He just wanted to take it. Wu volunteered, "I’ll tear it down."
This is for fear that King Rui will poison the stationery.
Duguye light way "he is not so"
When Wu opened the envelope, he suddenly flew into a rage. "Tairui Wang is a Yue clan and begged you to be lenient."
Also said a lot of elegant words, one meaning is to be German.
It’s a ghost. People say it’s all right, but how dare a traitor of the royal family plead?
Besides, Germans are cheating tricks.
Only a sword can make people afraid.
Duguye smiled angrily. "Take me as a cushion to achieve his double reputation of benevolence and righteousness. I think he is tired of living."
To put it bluntly, it is melodramatic and pretentious.
Pretending to be a hypocrite
Wu is indignant. If King Rui has something to do, how can he be too late to be emperor?
Winners, kings and losers have been like this since ancient times.
In fact, the biggest mistake of today’s saints is that they didn’t cut the grass at the beginning, otherwise they wouldn’t have suffered today, but such words are absolutely afraid to say.
"Rui Wang Zhiyue Qing did good deeds and wrote such a letter because he wanted to put himself on the altar."
Duguye didn’t even frown and didn’t take it to heart. "Then pull him back to write back and let him kill himself. I’ll let Yuejia live. I want to see how he dies."
Linlang once told him that the battle between heaven and public opinion is a very important part of popular support.
Therefore, every time he attacks a city, he will appease the people and kill them, but some rich, heartless, rich and corrupt officials will not move against the common people.
Even the military orders forbid officers and men to oppress the people, or they will be dealt with by the general law.
In this way, the people have no ill feelings towards him, and no one will die when attacking the city.
This is one of the reasons why he is invincible all the way.
Wu’s eyes lit up. It’s a good idea. "Yes"
Chapter six hundred and fifty-four Fight back
Update the latest chapter of the evil king’s favorite imperial doctor’s concubine!
Chapter six hundred and fifty-four Fight back
Du Guye thought for a moment, "Let everyone know if the news goes out."
Wu Yi replied and immediately arranged it, but he did not forget to write a letter to Toffee.
Although he is Duguye’s personal attendant, he dare not neglect Taifei at all, and he will report anything.
It was the toffee who carried them through the missing years.
Everyone believed that she regarded her mistress.
Shucheng Tiangao Emperor Yuanshan Road is rugged and particularly difficult to attack.
King Rui specially chose this place as the camp to recruit many counselors and valiant soldiers.
Wen has Mr. Xie, a general with a strong military discipline, but he is still not at ease.
The war is burning and they are losing ground on the battlefield. The situation is very bad.
This made him sleepless night and day, and his hair fell off a lot.
Now he doesn’t have the dignity of being the first expensive man in Beijing in the past.
Mr. Xie came in and made a ceremony. He couldn’t wait to ask, "Master, did you really write a letter to Taitai? Let him put a yard in Yuejia? "
King Rui is still quite proud of this move. "If you can be the best, you can’t be the best. Then let Heaven and Man see the true face of Du Guye."
He is so humbled that he can’t go anywhere in the mountain city.
Mr. Xie frowned. "You should discuss with me in advance."
He sighs in his mind that King Rui is good, but he is small-minded and easy to go to extremes.
This was not the case before.
It’s a pity that it changed in the face of setbacks
Others in the imperial city will forget it, but the growth of toffee is terrible
Not only did she handle affairs smoothly, but she also copied all the temples of Ganquan Palace, pulled out many nails and killed them all.
It’s beyond his imagination to shoot quickly, accurately and ruthlessly
Sandy women don’t lose men
She also has a brave husband who believes in her.
The two men complement each other, the natural enemies of the double swords and the wall