Ouyang Zheng is not dead, which is a good thing for Mo Zihan, but it also means that he and Mo Zihan’s ellipsis will continue to be omitted in a long time …

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12 Chapter 12 Through Rebirth []
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
I came to the room where Grace specially imprisoned the most important criminals. Many people successfully found the room where Ouyang Zheng was detained according to Grace’s words.
The key hit the prison door, and a burst of blood came to my nose.
Looking at the chained limbs without a piece of intact skin, Ouyang Zheng Mo Zihan’s eyes narrowed into a crack.
I felt someone come in and realized that I was going to be punished again. Ouyang Zheng consciously looked up and glanced at the bearer, and her eyes widened for a moment.
"The cloud …"
My eyes were hallucinating. Ouyang Zheng closed her eyes and dumped her head. She opened her face so desperately again and appeared in front of her.
Go to Ouyang Zheng, gently hug his body, lean his head on his chest and quietly listen to his heartbeat whispering, "Zheng, I’m sorry I’m late."
Looking at the girl leaning against her chest, Ouyang Zheng Rourou Xin jumped with a lip angle and raised a smile, but she was pale for a moment.
"The cloud, how did you come here? This is a mafia boss’s den. How did you get here? Did they find you? Will you be in danger? "
Listening to Ouyang Zheng’s rapid-fire questioning, Mo Zihan lifted her head and smiled sweetly at Ouyang Zheng. A pair of eyes suddenly turned into a curved moon.
"No, Grace has gone to hell."
Say that finish took out a pistol than accurately to the four chains tied ouyangzheng gun respectively.
The four chains were broken, and Ouyang Zheng’s body fell forward uncontrollably, but was firmly caught by Mo Zihan at the moment of falling.
Walking out of the basement with Ouyang Zheng on his back, he slowly walked into Grace Manor.
Looking at the devastated body and thinking about the precise four shots just now, Ouyang Zheng’s heart slowly sank and gently asked, "Did you kill these people? Who the hell are you? "
Mozihan’s feet suddenly stopped at the same place and then continued to move forward.
"You’re badly hurt. I’ll take you to the hospital first, and then we’ll talk about it when you’re better, okay?"
When she said this, she had no confidence at all. She never regretted her career, but she was embarrassed by Ouyang Zheng’s problem.
One of them is a cat, the other is a mouse, the other is a policeman and the other is a bandit.
Their feelings are like flowers in the moon mirror in water.
She and he are not the same person after all.
Maybe they are in love, but they are doomed to never be together.
Some naidi raised their lips and thought of their parents again.
Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce her mother’s name is Xu Huanframe. She used to be a young woman with Interpol, but she gave up her career because her father was a killer. Since then, she has been singing with her father …
There is affection, bullying, belly darkness, war, palace fighting, power, comedy, fighting and attack in the literary works.
Love is long, taste is heavy, and rolling around for support! !
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Dear! I heard that toilet paper will disappear when I log in to see it but don’t [collect] the toilet!
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13 Chapter 13 Cold Palace Career [1]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
Suddenly, my foot stepped on something to wake up Mo Zihan’s chaotic thoughts, but at that moment, a strong airflow threw her far away.
Raise the last smile in her life, which turned out to be bitter. She didn’t expect to be blown up by Grace’s hand still stepping on the thunder.
Actually, death is not so terrible.
But until the end, she still couldn’t meet that love for ten thousand years …
Clear and bright moon and bright profit and loss
The Chaoyang dynasty finally ushered in the first snow this winter.
The next day, the sky is covered with clouds and mountains and rivers.
The palace is covered in silver.
Outside the cold palace, a maid-in-waiting was sweeping the snow. Although it was cold, her forehead was covered with fine sweat.
The snow in the courtyard has already been cleaned by her, and a set of expensive silk underwear is drying on the long clothesline.
In a small room next to the bedroom, little white smoke raised silence.
After sweeping a walkable road outside the cold palace, the little maid-in-waiting hurried back to the yard to put a broom, pumped some water from the well, washed her hands and entered the white smoke room that rose around.
Soon after, white smoke from the chimney gradually weakened, and the maid-in-waiting took out a bowl of dark medicine from the room and entered the bedroom.
In the bedroom, there is a stunning woman with her eyes closed, and she can’t see any vitality except her chest because of breathing fluctuations.

Only in this relaxed atmosphere can Nan Sheng reveal a trace of sex.

"But then again, I’m going to invite you to dinner today, but Shinohara is not here."
Cheng Tingting turned over.
Royi took notes, his hand trembled and he felt his heart skip a beat!
Did she dream that that sentence was true? ?
"She wasn’t there yesterday." Royi held her white knuckles and pretended to be casual.
"She heard that her brother has improved, as if you know her brother Mo Shaoting."
The last three words, Cheng Tingting, gather together in Royi’s ear to avoid others’ eyes and ears.
Royi face instantaneous some abnormal she, she is shocked to beicheng which girl heard mo less whether these three words are not afraid.
"You didn’t expect it. I didn’t know that Mo Xiaoxue was actually Mo Shaoting’s own sister."
Cheng Tingting propped up what seems to be thinking.
There are three big families and several giants in Beicheng, but there are two people who can’t be provoked, one is Mo Shaoting and the other is Ling.
Ling likes gambling. Mo Shaoting is lewd. It is said that no woman who wants to be seen by him will have a good chance if he sees her.
Cheng Tingting shook her head with wide eyes. God, what is she thinking!
The Nan family is not a vegetarian either.
What should we do?
What should we do?
Royi put his hand on his forehead, and there was no idea anymore. The brain was full of the ferocious and horrible face of that man on that rainy night.
Mo Shaoting!
Royi’s painful thoughts gradually crowded into an enchanting face and gradually became clear.
She is going to find Ling.
What will Mo Shaoting do first if he wakes up?
Guess, hahaha
Will he wake up with a puzzled face?
☆ Chapter 23 Try your best to meet.
Section 15
Finally, I suffered a lesson. Royi flipped through the phone address book to find a number and dialed it.
Nobody answered?
Call again and no one answers!
"It suddenly occurred to me that I still have something to invite you to dinner another day." Royi turned to Cheng Tingting and said sorry and took the lead.
"Hey, what’s the matter!" Cheng Tingting holding the bag behind pouting shouted.
But that beautiful image has already disappeared.


Xiaocui smiled mysteriously, looked around, and then leaned close to her ear and said, "This jade cream is my sister’s. On the day you were injured, I went to pour water, and when I came back, I found the bottom by my sister’s bedside, holding up a small note with the words jade cream written on it."
Meng Xiaoran smell speech a little surprised Xiaocui looked at him and smiled and said, "At that time, I didn’t dare to put this thing on my sister’s face. I was worried that this was because Miss Da made a plan to go out and find someone to check it out. Later, when my sister’s face was better, I forgot to listen to everyone talking about Miss Da’s jade paste these days, and I felt familiar with it."
"Today, I took this jade cream to the street drugstore and had it checked for me. It is said that this thing is very precious and a good thing. I will not sell it. This is my sister!"
Meng Xiaoran listened to Xiaocui and lost in thought. Who gave this bottle of jade cream? I don’t think it was Shen Qian. She went out to see Shen Qian that night. He gave himself two bottles of jade cream. Who was it?
A figure flashed through her mind. Could it be him?
She guessed that it would be verified the next day. At noon, Meng Xiaoran was in the big kitchen, and things finally came to an end. Mother Li suddenly kindly asked her to go out with Xiaocui to buy some spices, which was tantamount to giving them a chance to go out to play in disguise. Xiaocui was naturally excited.
Meng Xiaoran looked at the sugar-coated haws in his hand and ate a face of satisfaction. Xiaocui couldn’t help laughing. At this moment, two people came face to face. She was slightly one leng, but behind Lu Qing was his servant.
Lu Qing hasn’t seen her for a long time. This is the first time since she was injured. I can’t help but look at him. This time, her face hasn’t been smeared. Gray china white seems to be more beautiful in the sunshine like good porcelain.
"It seems that the jade cream works well." Liu Qing smiled faintly and this sentence Meng Xiaoran was white. Xiaocui got the bottle of jade cream. It was indeed that he gave her a nod at him. "Thank you, Master Biao." Although she was injured by Shen Qian, she was able to help herself in that situation and quietly sent jade cream this kindness. She will remember it.
"I haven’t thanked Master Biao for saving my life. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid I’d be beaten thirty times."
Lu Qing shook his head. "You don’t have to thank me outside, and you don’t have to call me Master Biao and call me Duke Lu."
"Lu Gong" Meng Xiaoran smiled and accepted good advice.
While eating Sugar-Coated Berry, Xiaocui kept his eyes wide open. As they looked back and forth, the more they looked, the more they felt that they were very suitable. It was just like saying golden couple in the words.
"Liu Gong and I have to go to work and leave now." Meng Xiaoran nodded slightly at him and then pulled Xiaocui away.
Liu Qing looked back at her leaving figure, slightly absent, waiting for the moon to gently cough and wake up. "We should go back." He just smiled and shook his head.
Chapter 30 Door seeking medicine
If Xuege was calm for a few days, the news came again. It turned out that Liu Ruxueyu’s cream was finished, but her face still had a faint scar, so she hit several maids in the house and her things were smashed all over the floor.
As soon as Liu Yingyuan came in, he saw the mess on the ground and frowned. "What’s the matter?"
Liu Ruxue immediately cried when she saw her father come in. "Daddy jade cream is gone, but my daughter’s face has not recovered yet!"
As she spoke, she lifted the veil of her face to Liu Yingyuan. As expected, there was a faint scar on her right cheek. Although it was not very obvious, it was a bit ugly to cross her face as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade.
"This jade cream is not much, but if a porcelain vase is rubbed on the scar, it will be enough. How can it disappear so quickly?" Liu Yingyuan asked doubtfully.
After that, I saw that Liu Ruxue’s face was a little uncomfortable and I knew what my daughter had done. "What’s going on?"
Liu Ruxue couldn’t help crying again. "Dad said this jade cream can nourish the skin, so my daughter couldn’t help putting some on her face every day. I didn’t expect it to fall off so soon."
"Nonsense! This jade cream is rare. Would you have gotten it if Dad hadn’t asked the Empress to reward you? Now there is no empress in the palace to get a bottle. What can you do if you are not careful in the scar? " Liu Yingyuan’s daughter has already broken her heart and face, and the whole person looks much older.
He rubbed his head and looked at his beloved daughter and thought of her early death. Mother sighed, "Dad will find a way for you to stay at home these days and stop making trouble."
As he spoke, he looked at several maids kneeling on the ground. "Get up and clean up the ground. If you make the young lady angry again, you will not be spared!"
With that, he left Ruxue Pavilion and left the hospital. He didn’t know where to go at the moment, hesitated for a moment at the intersection and went in the direction of Linyue Zhai.
Chen heard the child.when the master came, he didn’t look as faint as a servant girl. When Liu Yingyuan came in, he immediately changed his look of joy to welcome him. "Why did the master come at this time? Can you have dinner? "
Liu Yingyuan’s face was exhausted, and Chen came up behind him and held out his hand to gently massage his head. This is the reason why Liu Yingyuan came to Ramadan. Chen has been very virtuous since he married him, especially when he was young, they had a very good time. Unfortunately, those few feelings gradually faded after Chen gave birth to two daughters and one daughter.
Liu Yingyuan is still very kind to her and respects the whole house. Except Liu Ruxue, everything else is her decision, and she should be satisfied.
Liu Yingyuan comfortably closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed Chen’s massage for many years, but it seemed that his craft was not rusty at all. He felt that the whole person was relaxed a lot. After a while, he suddenly took Chen’s hand and "worked hard."
Chen smiled, "This is what my body should do." After that, I ordered Liu Yingyuan to rest in the whole courtyard in Linyuezhai that night. The next day, people were beaming. Chen’s own expression was light and seemed to care.
Today, Shen Fu ushered in the distinguished guest, Prime Minister Liu, and immediately rushed to Shen Fu Shen Qian’s room and didn’t go out to see the guests immediately.
Qing Feng was puzzled and asked, "If you don’t send jade paste to the palace at the beginning, it will save trouble if you don’t ruin it like snow."
"Wouldn’t that be boring? Is to let them see hope and finally despair, which is fun. "Shen Qian smiled meaningfully.
"But if you expect that Liu Ruxue will wipe the jade cream on your face elsewhere? If she honestly rubbed the bottle on the scar, should it be enough? "
"When I sent it to the palace, I specifically said that this jade cream can not only remove scars, but also promote blood circulation and promote granulation to nourish the skin. If Liu Ruxue values his appearance so much, he will naturally be tempted to rub it elsewhere." Shen Qian smiled like a fox
Aside, Qing Feng couldn’t help squeezing a cold sweat for Miss Liu Da, and secretly thinking about it at the same time, don’t offend her family, otherwise I don’t know how to die. By the way, I can’t offend another Meng girl now!
"Well, let’s go for a while, Prime Minister!" Shen Qian got up and cut his robe, and he looked like a beautiful man. Shen Qian came to the front hall and immediately changed into a humble appearance. "I’m too busy to keep you waiting."
Although Liu Yingyuan is unhappy in his heart, his face is not obvious at all. "There is no need to care about Shen Sangong’s busy schedule."
After sitting down, Shen Qian asked, "I don’t know what Master Xiang came to my humble abode today?"
Liu Yingyuan didn’t beat around the bush to see the mountain. "The other day, I heard that Sangong presented four bottles of jade paste to the palace. I wonder if Shenfu still has this jade paste?"
Shen Qian smell speech so surprised frowned "phase ye how can think of asking this? Jade cream is very difficult to make, mainly because the raw materials are rare. We have just made a few bottles in Shenfu this year, and more than half of them have been sent to Huang Jia and some have been sent to old friends. Now Shenfu is gone. "
Liu Yingyuan smiled. "Three people don’t talk in secret. This jade paste also bothers your government to make a bottle of precious and rare silver. I know that it is not a problem in two aspects."
Sure enough, the family is rich! Shen Qian smiled and didn’t speak for a while before he said, "Mr. Xiang is a straightforward person, so Shen San won’t come with you. This jade cream is rare. The most important thing is that the process of finding medicinal materials consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. Since Mr. Xiang asked us to do Shen Fu, naturally, we won’t refuse, but Shen Fu is a businessman. It is natural to set it in advance in business and business."
"Three prices," said Liu Yingyuan leisurely, and his eyes flashed faintly, disdaining the merchants. He was always blind and covered in copper.
Shen Qian naturally didn’t let go of his expression. The change was blocked by the tea lamp, and his lips evoked a sneer. Put the tea lamp and put out a finger.

"It seems to be a mistake to worry about giving more activities to other offensive players in Dresden before the game, but it seems to be a mistake to stare at him, but it would be a bigger mistake if you don’t stare at him." Bochum coach thought with a pale face, but the root cause of the present situation is that Bochum’s midfield advantage is far from as great as he used to be, and it is naturally terrible to have strong support from his own midfield.

We should know that although Dresden is now playing the third midfield, both wingers and center Gao Lin will retreat to assist in defense, so the number of midfielders not only does not suffer, but often has a slight advantage. In positional warfare, Bochum team is strong and it is difficult to take advantage of it.
However, even if Bochum team has a counterattack opportunity, it will be destroyed by the players in Dresden’s center and frontcourt who resolutely fight back on the spot and don’t hesitate to commit a tactical foul after failing. However, due to Dresden’s home court advantage, the referee usually warns that he rarely draws cards at most, while Bochum team can eat yabakui gloomily. In this case, it seems to be the best choice to play too long, but there is a new goalkeeper behind the Dresden defender line. This is suspected to be giving him a chance to show.
"Gao is too powerful. Do you think if we shout out’ Big Four Happiness’, will he enter another one?" Graetz blushed and asked Huck, who was sitting next to him.
Huck quickly stopped, "Don’t try to piss off the other side. It’s not worthwhile to win this game. It’s not necessary to pursue a big score. Now the most important thing for us is to get 3 points. It’s not easy to take the race. We need to save our physical strength and reduce injuries as much as possible."
The Dresden players obviously felt the same way. After leading by two goals, they quickly slowed down the pace of the game. However, Neuer, who has been performing steadily and well so far, is extremely relaxed and playing with fire.
Neuer, with a "forward heart", not only took the ball out of the penalty area, but also didn’t throw the ball out in the face of Bochum striker’s forced snatch, but showed off his own footwork to buckle the ball to get past his opponent. Who knows that the other side was experienced and didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to grab the ball instead. After Neuer lost the ball, they immediately grabbed it and fell to the ground together in the collision, but Neuer unexpectedly showed him a red card after the referee ran over!
Dresden fans in the stands immediately fried the pot and cursed the referee for collecting black money. Gao Jun could understand the penalty, but his expression was somewhat dignified. "Neuer is the last defensive player. This penalty can’t be said to be too much, so the game will be difficult to play and the suspension of Neuer will affect one game."
Neuer hung his head and coach Stano didn’t reprimand him after the game. It wasn’t because Neuer was too important to the team, but he knew very well that Neuer was a player with strong self-esteem and sense of responsibility. Even if he didn’t scold him, his heart was already sad enough. Although this red card would bring a lot of losses to the team, it would be a valuable wealth for Neuer. After this lesson, the young man will surely mature more quickly. On the contrary, Stano was really depressed when he thought that most of Neuer would not stay at the end of this season, but he would have to make a wedding dress for other teams.
Seeing that the hope of winning was already very slim, Dresden went alone. This doubt made Bochum see the hope of winning again, and the number advantage made Bochum’s offensive wave after wave. However, due to the adjustment of the Neuer field Stano, the old goalkeeper Kresek sent a field to organize the core hole card, and then told Lin to retreat to the midfield to play the left avant-garde position, leaving Gao Junding in the front field formation, which changed the overall formation of the 441 team to be greatly recovered, and the play style changed from oppressive attack to defensive counterattack.
Relying on the secret defense, the Dresden team finally made it to the end of the half-game. However, all Dresdens were worried. It wasn’t long after half-time, Bochum hit the Dresden goal with a set ball and tied the score to 23! In this way, the situation is quite unfavorable to Dresden. Although it is still one goal ahead for the time being, it is always the most unsafe to lead by one goal. In the case that the number of teams is one less and the physical strength is not dominant, it is enough for Bochum to equalize the score at half-time.
At this time, Dresden fans in the stands prayed that the team’s defense line could stand the test, but Dresden coach Stano turned his attention to his frontcourt. "Defensive counterattack is not purely defending Bochum. Although they have completely occupied the wind now, their pressure formation has also given us more opportunities to counterattack. Don’t wave! We must grasp it even once to stabilize the military and let the balance of victory fall back to us! "
However, after Bochum’s strong control gradually appeared in the backcourt, Dresden lacked a reliable delivery point, but the weakness was completely exposed. No matter how fast the high army was, it was difficult to form an effective counterattack by relying on the blind feet in the backcourt.
However, if the counterattack is launched from two flanks, Hao Junmin’s speed is slightly insufficient, but he is not good at the middle cut, it will be delayed, and the counterattack speed will not be fast. It is not easy to make achievements with one blow in the face of Bochum team’s number advantage.
Realizing that he had made another mistake, Stano quickly came up with a solution. He moved Gao Lin forward to increase the support of Gao Jun to the left defense, and sent individuals with stronger defensive ability and better understanding with other defenders. The former main left-back No.4 Kagara replaced Hao (but Hao didn’t play. He moved to the right and his physical fitness and defense were worse than him. Langan changed the field, so the generalist was good)
More importantly, Stano asked the fielders to give the ball to the No.5 central defender, Volker Ortiz, who served as the center defender to deliver the ball forward. Although Volker Ortiz is a center defender, his ball skills can be ranked among the top in Dresden, and his skills are particularly excellent. Plus, he is a center defender who lags behind and has a wide field of vision. The frequency of the opponent’s rushing is relatively low, which can further improve the quality of delivery.
In the 21st minute of halftime, Volcker Ortiz finally delivered the first long ball with good quality. However, because both the left-wing Gao Lin and the middle-road Gao Jun were closely guarded, he chose the direction of the ball, which Bochum did not expect to be on the right!
Now I’ve changed to play right-back Hao Junmin. Although the speed is definitely not fast enough, it’s still good to start that game. When the left-back turned around at that point, he rushed forward and caught the ball, and the Dresden counterattack was thus to be continued.
Chapter 16 Big Four Happiness
Ps thanks friends "Wild Elephant Bombing Wave" and "Seven Worlds Weiwei" for rewarding friends "Casa Junfan", "Ball goes in and is carried out on a stretcher", "Don’t complain" and "Seven Worlds Weiwei" for casting monthly tickets for recommended votes and members clicking _
Hao Junmin’s excellent personal skills were fully reflected in this ball stop. As soon as his right foot stretched out, he firmly controlled the ball, so that he was rarely seen in the Bundesliga team, and he won warm applause from the Dresden fans in the stands. However, Hao Junmin was also very aware of his weakness that his absolute speed was not outstanding, so he didn’t dare to stick to the ball after catching it, and immediately tilted out the most powerful force of the football.
Due to the more scientific and solid basic training at Chong Base, Hao Junmin got rid of the bad habit of holding the ball with his head down and hitting the middle, but the skew was still not received by Gao Jun because he was blocked and interfered by two opposing players at that time, but the other team was also interfered by him and failed to intercept or destroy Hao Junmin. After landing with great strength, he continued to bounce all the way to the left, almost across the whole stadium.
In China, his physical fitness was very outstanding. After Gao Lin came to Germany, Ji was able to eat by his own skills and speed. However, after all, he had more than 1 meter and 5 heads, and now his weight was not 75 kilograms. When the limit speed of 100 meters was 11 seconds, the right-back of Bochum team could not stop him by himself (note 1). Considering that Gao Lin was a greater threat, the right-back of Bochum team chose to run to the middle of the road to seal the path of Gao Lin, but it was because no one chose the bottom this time.
However, just after the fans in Dresden in the stands handed out their hands to Gao Lin, they were soon startled to find that Gao Lin was in such a favorable state that it was not good enough from the middle ball route. If the difference between the former and the others was several meters, the fans couldn’t help but say a word. Even Huck, the owner of Gao Lin, who had been very optimistic about it, couldn’t help frowning. "It’s too bad that he had to practice more."
But to everyone’s surprise, it was wrong or wrong. Because of its super predictive ability, Gao Jun had a premonition that the ball would fall behind after it left the foot in the forest. At this time, the two Bochum players who were staring at him were still in the wrong position when they rushed forward. As a result, when Gao Jun caught the ball, there was a personal situation.
At this time, Hao Junmin has entered the restricted area. Gao Jun can return the ball to him to shoot, or he can try to turn around and get the shooting angle himself. Bochum players also realize the danger of these two attacks and pay attention to preventing Gao Jun from inserting Hao Junmin on both sides and behind.
But what they didn’t expect was that Gao Jun directly reacted with an upside-down goalkeeper of Bochum team after stopping the ball in the chest, and he couldn’t watch the ball go into the net. Gao Jun expanded the score by 42 with the best goal in the campaign round! In the face of Bochum, Gao Jun, the German B giant, incredibly performed his first big four happiness since he came to Germany. Even Dresden fans could not help but be stunned for a while, and then suddenly the stands broke out like a tsunami.
"strong! Too strong! It’s so strong! I originally thought that he was a little stronger than the Slovenian Kalivennayu, the top scorer who got the German B bronze boots in the team last year. I didn’t expect it to be so bad. "Graetz, the fan leader who once opposed the high army, muttered to himself with a complicated expression. Because of his excitement, he even said the name that made several old Dresden fans love and hate." I’m afraid even at the peak, Ulf Kearse Teng is not much better than him, right? When he was less in Dresden, he was not necessarily better than Gao Jun now, and he was even worse when he was the same age. "
"Too much! I am willing to support him even if he is willing to stay and bring in more China players! I am willing to let him stay and let me die! " A fanatical fan’s hysterical remarks quickly calmed Graetz down from his excitement. "Yes, Gao Jun is terrible. He must have done well this season, but he has a lease contract for half a year. He will leave after this season! Will Dresden be the same again after he leaves? It could be worse. Now Dresden can’t live without him! However, an excellent player like him will definitely be robbed by several giants before the new season. How can he stay in our Bundesliga team for another year? "
It was not Graetz who thought of this, and I don’t know who took the lead first. After Gao Jun scored, he ran to the sidelines to pay tribute to the home fans. When the stands suddenly sounded more and more shouting, "Gao Jun, don’t go!" "Gao Jun stays!"
Hearing this shout, Gao Jun was shocked. In an instant, he remembered that when he was in the national football class, the fans cried tears, and it was from this that Gao Jun suddenly found that he seemed to like the fans and the team here, but Gao Jun could never play another season, so an idea that seemed crazy at first glance came out of Gao Jun’s heart unconsciously.
Gao Jun’s interaction with the home fans was very touching, but it also completely angered the young Swiss coach of Bochum team. He scolded the players, "You are worthless! 11 hit 1, was defeated by a mouth before it was long and hairy? Why didn’t you shovel him? Just let him shoot? Even if he gets a red card, he can’t be arrogant again! "
The coach of Bochum team showed off his manners, which led him to be punished by the referee. Later, he may be punished additionally, but he succeeded in rekindling the fighting spirit of Bochum team players. Hao defended the right side of Dresden team and soon became the key target of Bochum team. Although he is a versatile player, he is always good at how much the left-back performs on the right side. Even though his defensive ability has improved a lot, he is still better at attacking, that is, attacking in Bochum team whose strength has almost reached the Bundesliga level. So that the midfielder is the central defender who frequently comes to make up for Bochum, or has made breakthroughs in this weak link again and again, and finally scored another goal in the first minute to narrow the gap to one goal again and again!
"Bochum team is too tenacious, and its strength is really strong. It’s not easy to beat them just by one person," Graetz said with some worries.
"When Neuer didn’t come, we didn’t think how bad Kresek was; Even after he came, we didn’t fully realize the gap between them; Today, after Kresek changed to Neuer, we finally saw clearly that the gap between the two people was so great! Neuer’s presence in our defence can play a high level in the forefront of Bundesliga, and once he plays in our defence, it will return to the appearance of tofu in half a season, "Huck sighed with a clap of his head."
"Neuer won’t stay after the end of the season, will he? Although the contract between the club and Schalke is to rent first and then buy, how can such a strong team want to stay in Bundesliga?" Graetz sighed with Huck and said with mixed feelings, "No matter if I am sure now, our performance this season must be very good. If we calculate the half-way ranking, Dresden is likely to win the first place, but this is just a castle in the middle season. Without Gao Jun and Neuer, there may be several main players who will leave Dresden, fearing that they will repeat the old road after the reunification of Germany and Germany!"
"Stop watching the game. I don’t know if I can get 3 points in this game." Huck quickly changed the subject when he saw that Graetz was in a bad mood. "Alas, if Gao Jun’s wonderful performance can’t bring victory to the team, our defense will be true."
Note 1: Here’s a popular science. When the physical confrontation occurs in a static or low-speed state, it is the relative strength of both sides. For example, first assume that both sides have no fat, one of them is a bamboo pole with a height of 1.9 meters and a weight of only 75 kilograms, and the other is a height of 1.7 meters. The winner of the physical confrontation with a weight of 7 kilograms will almost certainly be the short player, and if the physical confrontation takes place at a high speed, then the one with the larger weight will have an obvious advantage. If the speed is still fast, it will be more difficult to stop, but these are all ball-time confrontation. If the attacker has the ball with his feet, he must also consider the ball control skills and sense of balance. These two influences are more important than the physical strength.
There is a typical example of these two situations, that is, although it is said that Japanese players are stronger than ghosts, if they are fighting in positional warfare, even if they are in the state of the ball, in fact, Japanese players generally suffer. However, if they play fast and exert their impact, it is not easy for Japanese players to defend themselves for a while. The problem is that Japanese players are stronger than Japanese players (mainly because their waist and limbs are much stronger, and their weight grows here. Players practice this strength base because their height cannot be changed, but they can develop horizontally).
Chapter 17 Five Dengke
Ps thanks friends "True Xuanyuan Xiaojian" and "Brother Kui Yuange" for rewarding friends "sojsoj" and "True Xuanyuan Xiaojian" for casting monthly tickets and continuing to seek recommended votes, and members click _
At this point in the game, both players’ physical energy consumption is very high, and they can stick to Dresden by willpower. Because there is one player missing in the field for a long time, players have to run more to make up for their physical energy consumption, which is obviously greater than that of the other team. Even Hao, who has never been able to run, shows fatigue.
But many people didn’t expect that Hao Junmin had the physical strength to break through one by one at this time. Unconsciously, the speed was not fast, and he actually played an increasingly important role in Dresden’s rapid counterattack.

For this to enter the top 16, Xie Guohua, who has a smaller star than popularity, dare not put on airs.

Chu Yun doesn’t talk. If he doesn’t allow the Japanese to fight, then it’s better to say that the Chinese people have no backbone and are fine. Maybe it’s better to lose if they retreat in the eyes of others.
"Do you choose the same way?" At the same time, Xie Guohua Nai wondered why a game star had to take part in the competition in that village.
"budo" Chu Yun said, "arrange it for me."
Xie Guohua is not surprised. If the other party chooses Qindao Chess, he is really surprised. He knows that chopsticks have penetrated a student’s palm this semester.
"It’s not important to win or lose, just try your best." To be honest, Xie Guohua has no confidence
"Has anyone chosen the other two?" Chu Yun asked this, after all, to ask the Chinese people or to ask one.
"Not yet," said Xie Guohua, shaking his head.
"Still coming?" Chu Yun knows that there will be a game tomorrow.
"The school that should come is looking for students who are outstanding in chess and chess," Xie Guohua said
"Let me ask, can people outside the school participate?" Chu Yun asked if Song Ning Frost would go to absolutely crush everything.
Xie Guohua shook his head. "Although Wu Teng didn’t say it, if we let outsiders participate, even if we win, the other party will have a story. The school decided that the contestants must be students."
ChuYun nodded. It’s a pity that Song Ning Frost couldn’t attend the school. Who did you send?
In late Chu Yun, although the idol of the people, the golden goddess of war, shared a bed, he was not in the mood for that kind of thing.
"Think about the game." Lin Weiwei didn’t see it at a glance.
"Yes," Chu Yun nodded. Although he had confidence in himself, he was afraid that others would lose. After all, it was a national honor to say that it was a bigger honor for the school.
"Don’t think so much. I’m sure we Chinese people will win those Japanese people." Lin Weiwei waved his little fist under the covers and said with confidence.
"Are you so confident?" Chu Yun said some funny.
"Of course, don’t you have confidence in the Japanese instead of your own people?" Lin Weiwei asked.
At that time, Chu Yun was said to be speechless. Yes, did he have no confidence in the Chinese people?
At that time, one or two people both entered the game
Today is the second day of the top 16 ranking. Compared with yesterday, I believe it will be more exciting.
About ten minutes later, Chu Yun heard a sign in her ear. Yesterday, the first scene was her own. What is her today? Is it the same as when the martial arts meeting was held, and the first game every day was taken over by yourself?
Just as Chu Yun was about to play, a red shadow appeared in the ring. Seeing this red shadow, Chu Yun was surprised and pleased. This cargo was actually Emperor Yan!
This also means that his opponent turned out to be Yan Huang!
"Ha, ha, ha ….." Chu Yun laughed in his heart, and God was destined to let himself end this four kings.
Emperor Yan stood proudly in the ring and lost a game yesterday, which has broken his unbeaten record. Today must be a victory. It is an oath and a determination to win whatever you say!
The opponent didn’t play for a long time, which made the players confused. Is Yan Di’s opponent a god-killer?
No, everyone’s expression looks good.
God vs Yan Huang? Is killing the gods awesome or the Emperor Yan awesome?
Kill god with one sword and kill god with ten thousand swords.
Emperor Yan burned the sky with fire and flames.
Neither of these guys is a joke. In the eyes of the audience, they are right.
Seeing that his opponent has been slow to appear, Emperor Yan’s mouth is twitching, and he is thinking that he should not really kill that guy, because that guy likes to pretend to be forced.
Emperor Yan is going to fly to avoid killing God, but the problem is that he is afraid of avoiding it.
"Kill God that bastard!" Can you not be angry that the Emperor of Yan cursed and forced himself to put it on his own head?
"Yan Huang is estimated to be miserable!"
"Yes, whoever kills God will definitely be killed."
"Alas, you mourn for Emperor Yan!"

The man listened to the real Qingyang, thought about it, and said to the other Kunlun land masters on the side, "You watch first, and I’ll go in and report." Said the figure together, fly to the kunlun pie.

Because the Kunlun Sect is preparing for the declaration of war on Shushan these days, important figures of the Kunlun Sect, such as Zhang Zhongxuan, will discuss things in the main hall of the Kunlun Sect most of the day, so around the main hall, there are several masters of the Du Jie period of the Kunlun Sect waiting there. Those masters rushed over here when they saw people guarding the top of the Kunlun Sect. Out of business, one person blocked the man and said, "The head and elders and directors are discussing things inside without permission.
The man who came to arraign said with a worried face, "Go and tell the head of the household that the former Yangzi Qing has come."
The man who blocked the arraignment was a late show of the Kunlun Sect, and he didn’t know that the Kunlun Sect was once the same generation as the head of the soaring land. He wondered, "Yangzi Qing? Who is Yangzi Qing? "
The arranger explained: "In terms of seniority, Yangzi Qing should be the master’s uncle."
"Oh." Although the man who was in the way still had doubts in his heart, he didn’t stop the man who was arraigned, and he didn’t have any action. He has already disappeared in front of the arranger.
Without any hesitation, the arranger saw the other party’s release and flew to the main hall together.
When he came to the main hall, the messenger reported directly, "Huang Kaitai, a disciple guarding the mountain, has something to report."
Zhang Zhongxuan, who was discussing the deployment with everyone in the hall, heard Huang Kaitai’s voice, stood up and said, "Come in."
Huang Kaitai pushed through the door. After saluting everyone, he said, "Tell the head. There is a Taoist who claims to be Yangzi Qing. "
Yangzi Qing?’ Zhang Chongxuan suspected that he didn’t understand who Yangzi Qing was.
Qin Kangyuan, who stood by, said, "Master, Yangzi Qing once lived in my Kunlun for several years, and he was very intimate with the previous master. To be exact, he should be considered as half a Kunlun man, regardless of seniority. You should call him uncle. "
Zhang Zhongxuan gave a sigh, but he didn’t care much about Yangzi Qing, who should be called uncle. However, due to etiquette, he still went out to meet him. He said, "Since Yangzi Qing is my uncle, let’s meet him."
Seeing Zhang Chongxuan’s careless look, Huo Mingwei knew that Zhang Chongxuan didn’t take Yangzi Qing seriously, so he couldn’t help but wake up and said, "Boss. Don’t underestimate this Yangzi Qing. Yangzi Qing is a traveler. He didn’t mean to come near our Kunlun Sect and was injured by a demon who came out of the demon space. At that time, your master passed by and saved him. Behind him, he stayed in Kunlun, met with your teacher’s peers, and got your granduncle’s appreciation, guidance, and entered the world quickly, which made us far behind. Before your teacher soared, he had already soared decades ago. Listen to your teacher, he didn’t soar to the fairy. But directly alias Qingyang real person. It has always been hidden overseas. "
"Really?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. Hear HuoMingWei, Zhang Zhongxuan face a Deloitte was alarmed. He suddenly remembered Peng Kaiwang. When Peng Kaiwang was alive at that time, he knew that Peng Kaiwang was playing a game of hidden chess, but he didn’t care too much at that time. For him, Peng Kaiwang’s existence made his life in Kunlun School much more interesting. But now Lenovo, Yangzi Qing who returned from overseas, Zhang Zhongxuan can be sure that Peng Kaiwang’s hidden chess is Yangzi Qing, and according to Huo Mingwei, Yangzi Qing’s strength will be terrible.
See Zhang Chongxuan in meditation, and they didn’t bother him. Now the Kunlun Sect is disciplined, and it can already be in line with the army. Even as Zhang Chongxuan’s martial uncle Qin Kangyuan and Huo Mingwei, in front of Zhang Chongxuan, they also pretend to be men. First, Zhang Chongxuan does have the ability. Second, in front of Zhang Chongxuan’s beauty, they have been completely reduced, and they have been completely loyal to Zhang Chongxuan, so the Kunlun Sect.
Zhang Zhongxuan raised his head and said to Huang Kaitai, "Where is Yangzi Qing?"
Huang Kaitai was not sure that Qingyang was the legendary Yangzi Qing. After hearing Zhang Zhongxuan’s words, he was willing to identify Qingyang as a real person and quickly said, "Qingyang is outside the mountain gate."
"Well, then pick up Uncle Qingyang." Zhang Zhongxuan said that, and took the lead in walking towards the gate. All the people in the main hall naturally followed, and when they went out, Zhang Zhongxuan was surprised, because he obviously felt that someone was spying on him, and he even felt his formation under the man’s peep, which didn’t have any effect at all.
Zhang Chongxuan didn’t have to think about it, but he also knew that the person peeping at him was a real Qingyang, and he sensed the powerful Yuan God of the other side. Zhang Chongxuan replied, "This real Qingyang is only so powerful. It has soared for so long, and it is only a mere scattered fairy. I thought it was so powerful, but judging from the fact that he can see through the formation on my body, although his strength is not deep, he is very refined!"
Originally, a master who has been soaring for decades suddenly appeared unexpectedly, and it was invited by Peng Kaiwang to come out, which made Zhang Chongxuan have a little worry in his heart. However, Qingyang reality used Yuan Liu to spy on Zhang Chongxuan, but it stimulated Zhang Chongxuan’s powerful yuan god, which made Zhang Chongxuan return to the old heavy Xuan reality of the celestial world, so he wouldn’t pay attention to Qingyang reality as a scattered fairy.
Outside the mountain gate, under the identification of Qin Kangyuan and Huo Mingwei, the identity of Qingyang real person has been confirmed. Zhang Zhongxuan naturally put down his head status and said politely to Qingyang real person: "Li Muran has met uncle Qingyang."
Qingyang real person looked at Zhang Zhongxuan, and there was a hint of praise under his eyes. With a wave of his hand, he said, "You are really right, Uncle Peng. You are really a talent."
Zhang Zhongxuan heard Qingyang real words. Knowing that the other party is beginning to put pressure on him, I want to break my own spiritual defense in contact with him, and I smile and say, "Uncle Qingyang is flattering me."
Qingyang reality shook his head and said, "How could it be that I’m flattered? Kunlun sent it for thousands of years. No one ever wanted to declare war on shushan, but you declared war on shushan not long after you took over as the leader. When it’s really awesome. "
Zhang Zhongxuan knew that Qingyang had done his homework before he went up the mountain, and cleverly replied, "Uncle Qingyang is not an outsider, so Mu Ran doesn’t have to be taboo. I think the three schools haven’t been fighting each other for years since they coexisted. This shows again? "
Qingyang Zhenren shook his head and said, "That’s different from the nature of your declaration of war now."
Zhang Zhongxuan looked up at the falling rain in the sky, and asked sideways, saying, "Uncle Qingyang, it doesn’t matter to you whether it rains in the air or not, but Mu Ran still hopes that Uncle Qingyang can go into the back room and talk about it."
Qingyang didn’t agree. He said lightly, "I came back from overseas. I am dragged by you, Martial Uncle Peng, to look at the Kunlun Sect. I have a long history with the Kunlun Sect, and I have more or less feelings. With the strength of the Kunlun Sect now, it is impossible to overwhelm Shushan, where there are several masters in the soaring period. When two tigers fight, they will both lose. Why bother? "
Zhang Zhongxuan was turning around and looking at the real Qingyang. "What does martial uncle Qingyang mean?"
Qingyang real face primly said, "It’s not necessary to enter the back room. If I go in, I think I will definitely have a good talk with you. That’s not what I want. Before I came, I already knew that Kunlun was sent by you. The land is indeed thriving. I believe it won’t be long. The whole Kunlun Sect will become the largest Sect in the world under your hand, and most of the elders in Kunlun are absent now. If you do as Uncle Peng said, it will obviously have a great impact on the whole Kunlun Sect. I only have one request now, that is, it is not allowed to declare war on shushan! Otherwise, I have to stop it! "
The people behind Zhang Zhongxuan heard the words of Qingyang real person, and they were deeply moved. You know, Qingyang real person said this, and nothing also said that if Zhang Zhongxuan insisted, he would declare war on the entire Kunlun Sect!
"In that case, let me see your skill!" Zhang Zhongxuan flew out behind him, and when everyone was not paying attention, he reached out and lifted it. He actually pulled out a shining fishing net, which spilled and went to Qingyang Reality Network.
Fei Fei, named Sun Bisheng, is a disciple of the younger generation. Because he stood out in a competition the day before yesterday, he got the second-class Yaoyang silk screen of the earth utensil that Zhang Zhongxuan used to award the first prize. After receiving the award, Sun Bisheng was appreciated by Zhang Zhongxuan. Zhang Zhongxuan not only gave him the elixir to improve his skill, but also gave him advice on his practice. He was also a person who supported the declaration of war on Shushan. Seeing the tone of Qingyang reality, he challenged Zhang Zhongxuan to stop Kunlun from declaring war on Shushan. At that time, he was angry, so he made a move to Qingyang reality.
The fishing net he pulled out of the ground was the Yaoyang mesh obtained by competing with others. Yaoyang mesh was made of Yaoshi in the extinct volcano for ten thousand years. After training, it was combined with sunlight to make it spill in the sun. Without the enemy’s knowledge, the enemy was snared in the net. As long as it was collected, Yaoyang mesh could crush the people in the net, and the end was very powerful.
Although it was raining in the sky, it didn’t affect the efficacy of Yaoyang screen. As soon as the screen came out, it disappeared into the air, and it didn’t go to Qingyang Live Network.
In the face of this sudden invisible net, Qingyang reality was not afraid at all. He reached into the air and grabbed it, only to see that his palm was white, and a soft real element centered on his palm quickly produced a small whirlpool, and a strong suction came from his hand. Sun Bisheng’s radiant screen that disappeared in the air was miraculously absorbed by him.
"How is that possible?" Sun Bisheng, who was alone with Qingyang real person, looked at Qingyang real person in disbelief. I didn’t think that this powerful multiplier he got would be broken under the other party’s grab, which made him feel extremely frustrated in an instant for getting Yaoyang screen for several days.
Zhang Zhongxuan saw Sun Bisheng’s depressed expression in his eyes and said lightly, "Yaoyang screen is not so unbearable, but Qingyang Martial Uncle is too strong. Qingyang Martial Uncle is already a soaring person, and it will be something that you can cope with, not to mention you. Even if we all go together, how can we resist Qingyang Martial Uncle? So I lost, and I didn’t. "
Hearing Zhang Zhongxuan’s words, the real Qingyang reached out and loosened the Yao Yang screen. He said, "This fishing net is really extraordinary. If you didn’t make a rush just now, just let the fishing net disappear in the air completely snare the whole area and don’t attack, then his power will be doubled."
Sun Bisheng put away Yao Yang’s silk screen and didn’t speak. Instead, he slowly walked behind Zhang Zhongxuan and stayed honest. After all, he was a young man with a high heart. It was not for a while that he was so frustrated for the first time.
Zhang Zhongxuan ignored Sun Bisheng, but stared at Qingyang real person and said, "Uncle Qingyang, Mu Ran can’t give you an answer to your request for the time being. Well, give me three days to think about it. After three days, I will give you an answer. What do you think?"
Qingyang real people saw Zhang Zhongxuan say this, and they were embarrassed to force Zhang Zhongxuan again. After all, Zhang Zhongxuan is the head of the Kunlun Sect. Anyway, he has to think about the prestige of Zhang Zhongxuan, and he said, "Well, I’ll come back to you in three days." He didn’t see any action, and the whole person disappeared into the air out of thin air.

Chapter two hundred and ten supercilious look fox
Chapter two hundred and ten supercilious look fox
It’s night, the night is clear and the starry sky is washed.
Zhang Zhongxuan stood on the Ningyue cliff on the west side of Kunlun Mountain, blue and upright. In the night wind, his clothes danced with the wind, making him look so elegant and free. He stared at the sky and looked at the bright moon hanging high, wondering.
"Master." Zhao Zifeng flew silently from the forest and stood behind Zhang Chongxuan with a respectful face.
"Purple wind, you are here." Zhang Zhongxuan turned to face Zhao Zifeng.
"Yes, after receiving the summons from Niu Er, I came straight over. I already knew about Qingyang’s real life. I don’t know what the master is going to do when he calls Zifeng." With Zhao Zifeng’s understanding of Zhang Chongxuan, since he has declared war on shushan, it is impossible to be stopped by others. However, it is not ordinary people who want to stop Zhang Chongxuan, but a scattered fairy who has soared but still stays in the world. Although Zhao Zifeng firmly believes that Zhang Chongxuan will eradicate this half-way Cheng Yaojin, he can’t imagine how Zhang Chongxuan will handle Qingyang reality.
Zhang Chongxuan said faintly, "I originally planned to wait until the Kunlun and Shushan affairs were dealt with before I closed my doors and practiced. It was a coincidence that Qingyang was a real person, but even if he was a scattered fairy, three days was enough for me to break through the soaring period and really scatter the fairy."

In my sleep, I was suddenly "blown" by a strong airflow. When I opened my eyes, I found that it was already dawn. The airflow was caused by a small vertical take-off and landing passenger plane descending slowly 3 meters in front of us. With my own knowledge and the surrounding officers and men, I knew who the plane was coming. I immediately got excited and quickly woke up. I was still sleeping. Xinxia smiled and made a joke with her. "Wife! Get up and watch the emperor "(when sleeping, the boys surrounded the girls in a circle, and my place happened to be facing the plane, so others were not" blown "up like me).

Xin Xia rubbed her eyes, glanced at the plane that was landing, and vaguely said to me, "I just fell asleep, and I’m exhausted." What emperor will not come by plane? "
"Ha ha! Plane people in our country can be almost the same as the emperor, "I said to Xin Xia with a smile.
Xin Xia woke up a lot after hearing my words. She looked at the plane carefully and then at the officers and men around her. She was very surprised and asked me, "You … you mean? Who is the plane? "
"My wife is not stupid! You guessed it! The plane man is his old man’s house. "I confirmed Xinxia’s guess.
At this time, Boss Lei also excitedly walked over and woke up the rest of the people who were still sleeping. Let’s all get ready to welcome Chairman Lin. Others were excited to hear that Brother Lei said that Chairman Lin was coming, especially the respectful appearance of the three brothers and sisters in Yunjia was exactly the same as that of those devout believers when they learned that the emperor was coming.
After the plane landed, as the cabin door hit, I found that Brother Lei’s shoulders were shaking slightly, which made me wonder whether soldiers were more excited than ordinary people when they met the supreme leader.
After the cabin door was finished, the first thing that appeared was not Chairman Lin, but a gray-haired grandmother. Just when everyone was surprised, Chairman Lin appeared behind the grandmother.
Although these two people look about the same age, they may be husband and wife, but how can the "first lady" be different from this old woman? What’s more, it’s impossible for a wife to walk in front of her husband who is the chairman, right?
However, when Blue Moon cheered, everyone knew who the old woman was. When she saw Blue Moon suddenly emerged and shouted "Grandma", she quickly ran to Blue Moon like that old woman, but no matter what the situation is now, I don’t know if it would be dangerous. In her impression, grandma is impossible.
Blue Moon’s move made the plane’s security personnel nervous, and immediately took out a gun from her pocket to prevent her from continuing to move closer to this side. The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly tense, and Blue Moon also stopped, stamped her feet angrily and pursed her mouth and shouted to the grandmother, "Grandma, how can they be like this!"
Chairman Lin motioned for the security personnel to put away their weapons and walk with the grandmother to the front of the Blue Moon. The grandmother blamed the Blue Moon and said, "How dare you fool around in this situation, dead girl? Don’t you think it’s not enough for you to get into trouble with your grandmother? Don’t apologize to Grandpa Lin."
Chairman Lin stopped Blue Moon from apologizing and smiled and said to her, "Nothing, nothing, you are Ling Zhu, the daughter of Jinghai, right? Just like your mother, so beautiful and tempered, just like your father haha! "
Blue Moon spat out her tongue and asked Chairman Lin. Then she quickly changed the subject and said to her two parents, "Grandma and Grandpa Lin, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine!"
Chairman Lin hurriedly gave a hand to the blue moon and said, "My girl, you don’t want us to chat in this situation, do you? Tell your friends to go to Guiyang first and chat there. "
With the blue moon, Chairman Lin turned around and said a few words to the people behind him, then waved to our side and went back to the plane with the little moon with Grandma Blue.
After President Lin and his party left, more than a dozen of us were also arranged to fly to Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou Province, by helicopter. Huang Qi did not join us. He greeted us and left by helicopter when he came.
We were arranged to go to the most luxurious hotel in Guizhou Province, take a bath and eat something. After eating and drinking, the staff who accompanied us told Chairman Lin that they were already in the VIP meeting room on the top floor and asked if we would go at once.
The workers were answered by nodding their heads and getting an interview with the chairman. That’s not an ordinary person who can get the honor to follow the workers to the top floor. After careful inspection, we met Chairman Lin and Grandma Lan, and the little moon was dressed up and sitting on the two old sides.
Chairman Lin and Grandma Lan’s humor made us ordinary people who met "God" for the first time relaxed, and a lot of words were restored to freedom. However, the former mantras were put away, and the manners were moving and quiet. Even Xu Qiang and his little sister, who were fidgeting at the meeting, honestly dared not act excessively, but we were not afraid of respecting the two old people. The identity of the chairman was far from us, but there was no such pressure in the chat. The kind and humorous words of Chairman Kuang Lin and Grandma Lan made us forget their identity. Now it is purely two old people.
Chairman Lin also let us introduce ourselves one by one. After learning about the Yunjia three brothers and sisters, we praised them again and again. At the same time, we also apologized to the Yunjia three brothers and sisters on behalf of the country and asked them to say what difficulties they had. Yunfei didn’t tell Chairman Lin about us and him. We met him in the game. These friends are willing to help him and his two sisters. They are satisfied with the status quo and don’t need the chairman to worry too much.
Grandma Lan praised them with a smile after Yunfei’s three brothers and sisters finished, and then told all of us not to get involved in the state affairs when chatting now. After that, Grandma Lan asked about our Blue Moon in the game.
This topic is relatively easy to expose people’s shortcomings. Little sister and Xu Qiang are their specialty. Xu Qiang let the little moon bully him a lot. Now that he has such a chance to "talk", how can he easily let go of the little moon? He threatened him to go with him to design and make other people’s things out. The two old people kept laughing. Little moon and other words were teased, and Xu Qiang secretly wondered how he would take revenge when he stayed. Although these things were also said, the situation was different now.
Xu Qiang’s novel accidentally told the story about the little moon and boss Lei. Boss Lei made a big blush on the spot, and the little moon’s eyes were almost bursting with fire. The rest of us all mourned in Comrade Xu Qiang’s silence. I really don’t want to live.
Blue grandma cast a glance with meaning at the boss and the blue moon, and then continued to smile at the set of Xu Qiang words. Xu Qiang, the little one, which is the blue grandma’s opponent, divided by two, told the blue grandma everything. After that, she made a face at the blue moon but didn’t pay attention to the other side. The boss’s face has been forwarded from red to black. It’s good to be small. The scar forgot to make those mistakes before the pain came. Now he has completely forgotten it and become the first Xu Qiang again.
Grandma Lan cleverly changed the subject after Xu Qiang said everything and asked about our things in the game. When the two parents first heard a game, they did it so well. We made so much money and reacted the same way as others when they heard these things. Xu Qiang also told us what happened with Xiaori, but this time he was clever and didn’t tell us about the kidnapping. I don’t know if he didn’t think of it, or if he knew that Zhengqing could not kill four small things privately. This made us all relieved. After he finished, Lily also secretly choked it.
The fool did a good thing after all wrong, that is, he revealed the fact that the Quandao consortium wanted to destroy China’s financial market. We wanted to say this for a long time, but grandma Lan’s words about not talking about state affairs were blocked. Now it is best for that fool Xu Qiang to say it. However, after hearing the news, Chairman Lin made no statement and did not ask our source. After a little thinking, he smiled and listened to Xu Qiang’s nonsense.
After chatting for a long time, Blue Moon suddenly said that she wanted to go to bed before interrupting the conversation. Grandma Lan and Chairman Lin told us to go to sleep first when we knew that we had not slept for a day and a night, but we also left Brother Lei to discuss with him whether it was a trivial matter or something between Boss Lei and Blue Moon. We don’t know that this kind of thing can be settled by Boss Lei. Anyway, we know that Xu Qiang is dead this time. The specific way to die is still to be studied (I will write it as an article about the conversation between Boss Lei and the two old people).
When they returned to the room arranged for us, they all felt that they were not sleepy, so they got together and chatted about yesterday and just now. At this time, Blue Moon also came running. She came to ask Xu Qiang for trouble. She was so angry with Xu Qiang that she couldn’t sleep.
Xu Qiang wanted to leave as soon as he saw the blue moon coming, but how could we he is my brother let him slip away like this? Together, we "captured" this little smile and sent it to the little moon to let it be punished casually.
The little moon let us hold up penny ur (Qiang) and follow her to her presidential suite. Before the door closed, Qiang screamed.
Chapter 15 Training Plan
After the whole Xu Qiang, we were all too tired to lie on the carpet and fell asleep. Everyone was really tired for a day and a night without a good sleep. So the whole presidential suite was full of people. Fortunately, Yunfei’s three brothers and sisters, Mr. Chen, didn’t follow us. Otherwise, I don’t know if I would suspect that we have a hobby of "fornication" (the rectification of Xu Qiang will also stay in the external article to describe it). I put my arms around Xinxia palm on her chest, one foot on Xu Qiang’s ass and the other on the blue moon. The son and the blue moon are holding a pillow with one foot on Xu Qiang’s body and the other foot on my nose. I also fell asleep and hugged Li Li’s foot, but Zhang Xiaolin’s body and beard were poor. Both hands and feet were treated as pillows by girls. It is estimated that it is a problem whether Xu Qiang can walk and take things after waking up later. Xu Qiang is the worst, with few feet on him, but he still sleeps like a log.
Because I was the first one to fall asleep yesterday, I got up much earlier than everyone else. I found the surrounding situation when I got up. I secretly snickered. I woke up Xinxia carefully, pulled her aside and whispered a few words to her. Xinxia heard me and looked at it carefully. Everyone’s sleeping position, face and drowsiness were gradually replaced by excitement, nodding and agreeing with my plan.
We both took out our mobile phones from our bodies and grinned. We planned that in ten minutes, both of our mobile phones were full of photos, and everyone took n close-ups for us at least. After the photos were taken, I sent all these photos to my mailbox, and my mobile phone manipulated this mailbox to forward them to my other vice mailboxes. This is to ensure that if I get a mobile phone and a mailbox, I won’t be destroyed by these troublemakers one day. However, it is reasonable and beneficial to live with Xin Xia and these troublemakers without being harassed by weapons, but I am good at it!
After doing this, Xin Xia and I pretended to be serious and woke everyone up. The troublemakers were reluctant. Later, when they found out that they were in a situation, they immediately shouted and then quickly fled the scene. Even Hu limped to one side, leaving Xu Qiang still asleep there. I was too lazy to wake him up. I took Xin Xia and ran into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Anyway, the rest of us will find a special way to get him up later.
Once again, I went back to the living room and found that those guys had woken up Xu Qiang. When they saw me and Xinxia coming, they all pretended to be as if nothing had happened. Just now, they didn’t. I was also happy to have a leisure time and have all the photos developed. None of them could escape. Who dares to make trouble with me after seeing them?
When I looked at it, it was after 9 o’clock in the evening. Ten people ran to the restaurant and had a big meal. Boss Lei also came over with Yunfei when we were eating. Let’s finish eating quickly so that we can go back to the city.
Xu Qiang saw boss Lei shrink his head and didn’t dare to show up. Now he is completely aware of how serious a mistake he made in the afternoon for fear that boss Lei would punish him. But boss Lei seems to have forgotten that it was when he was eating. Grandma Lin left in the afternoon and entrusted boss Lei to tell the blue moon to be obedient and stop messing around. But brother Lei didn’t say that he talked with the two old people, and we were all very sensible. If there was a small day, it would definitely be asked, but when boss Lei and the little moon were inserted, everyone’s mouth was sealed, and no one wanted to be the first to touch the tiger’s ass.
After dinner, Mr. Chen said goodbye to us. Let’s take good care of Yunfei and his three brothers and sisters and send him away. We followed Mr. Lei to the heliport on the top floor of the hotel and Huang Qi took us back to the city.
Outside the city airport, I have already received news that Ye Erge and the businessman are waiting for us there. On the way back, the little guys are chirping and Ye Erge’s businessman is talking about what we felt during our trip to Guizhou. The most natural question is the identity of the little moon, but when asked about abortion, she said that she didn’t even know herself, otherwise she wouldn’t have released the flare so carelessly.

Generally speaking, there is no problem in breaking into the first stage. After all, monsters are released according to a series of data such as the number and attributes of entrants. If even the first stage can’t break through, it would be too unreasonable. In the second stage, there must be dangers, but be careful. It should also be a big problem that there is a certain chance that fairy wares will appear in the third stage, so the number of dangers will increase several times compared with the second stage, and it will be able to get through it, so it will be able to resign itself to fate.

As they spoke, the group came to the pyramid of the temple of life. Just when everyone was curious about what didn’t pass in and out of the gate, they saw that the original golden shiny wall suddenly boomed and opened a one-meter-long gate. It was dark behind the gate, and they looked at the scene from the pyramid.
"Although the first five floors are the lowest stage of the risk index in the temple of life, if you are careless, you will be in danger of being hanged at any time." Love is afraid that everyone will think that there is no danger in the first stage of the temple of life, so they will relax their vigilance and break their own efforts to seize the artifact, so they still wake up before entering.
In fact, we all know the danger of the temple of life. After all, this is the most mysterious three high temples in China region of the world. Even in the first stage, when monsters are at the same level, the risk index is much higher than that of the outer Nuwa Temple.
This was the first time to enter the temple of life after the awakening of love. Then the devil was crying, and Tyrannosaurus Zhao Linger and I followed in turn into the temple. Just after the five of us entered, the door of the original cave was slowly closed in the machine.
"Wow, why is it so hot in the first floor of the temple of life? It’s like barbecuing in a stove. "Just stepping into the first floor, a hot breath invaded and the original cold grass-blade sword seemed to be driven by heat. At the moment, it was radiant with bursts of heat flow. When I held the sword for a few seconds, I had already shed sweat. This shows that the temperature here is high.
After I entered the Tyrannosaurus Rex, I looked around and it was almost a vast desert. When I slowly said, "All the layers of the three high temples were randomly generated, it seems that we were not very lucky and randomly went to the desert area with a slightly higher danger number."
"Tyrannosaurus rex, after hearing you say this, the maps of each layer in the three high temples are randomly generated." Although I just entered, I was very uncomfortable, but soon I was already familiar with the heat here. After listening to Tyrannosaurus rex, I asked curiously, "How many zones are there in the three high temples? What are they? "
Tyrannosaurus Rex felt sorry for the words he inadvertently revealed. At this moment, the Avengers asked him to come over, and his party had to explore in the temple of life to tell some secrets they knew. "There are five zones in the three high temples, and the risk index is from low to high, namely glaciers, forests, water and desert caves."
"So if we crossed the desert once and then appeared in the desert, wouldn’t it hurt?" After all, there are 16 floors in the temple, but there are five sub-zones, so it is not easy to get familiar with the five sub-zones and cross to the last floor to get the artifact.
Tyrannosaurus Rex shook his head and said, "There are five types of maps in the temple, but it doesn’t mean that all the maps are the same. After all, all the maps at all levels are randomly generated, which is strange. The only thing we know is the shortcut channel at all levels."
Chapter two hundred and eleven A layer of desert
"What? Shortcut channels at all levels? " This round surprised me. Wouldn’t it be if there were shortcuts on all floors?
"Yes, each zone has its own shortcut. Although the map of each zone is randomly generated, the shortcut remains unchanged." In Tyrannosaurus Rex’s view, anyway, saying a secret is also about two or three secrets, which means that it is better to keep these materials than to say them out.
"As far as I know, the shortcut in the desert is the desert pyramid." Tyrannosaurus Rex thought a little and then said slowly, "We need to find the pyramid first and then enter the Golden Pagoda to find the shortcut exit. Of course, there are many machine traps on the way to the shortcut, which is more difficult than taking the ordinary map, but the only advantage of taking the shortcut is that it will remain unchanged. We should be familiar with the speed of various channels inside, but it is several times faster than the ordinary map."
"In that case, let’s hurry to find the desert pyramid." Cheng Lian came here for this purpose to travel to the sixteenth floor to get the artifact, so he took the lead in discussing it.
"I’m afraid we have to solve these sand scorpions before we go to the pyramids." I looked at the dozens of sand scorpions that have been surrounded near my eyes and wry smile. "The temple of life is worthy of the three high temples. It’s really abnormal that monsters appear on the first floor of the first stage and it’s already level 3."
Through the observation of sharingan, I easily obtained the information of the sand scorpion. For the first floor, it is a level 3 monster, which I am afraid can’t be dragged down with my Zhao Linger level. After all, among the five people in our line, my highest level has reached the peak of level 36; After this, Zhao Linger has reached level 35; The devil is crying, the same as Tyrannosaurus rex, which is level 29; The lowest level of love has just broken through to level 27.
"The devil is crying, and now you can rely on your falling angel wings to resist these sand scorpions." Looking around, I don’t want to fight them by myself. After all, these are all level 3 creatures, and their attack power will not be low. I now have a high probability of being hanged.
The devil is crying, and he knows more or less about my present situation, so he didn’t say much. The angel wing was immediately summoned from his back to get ready. When the devil was crying, he strode to meet the trapped sand scorpion.
I tightened my grip with a blade of grass, protected by Zhao Linger and Cheng Lian, and looked around warily. Now, although I lack health, my attack and defense have not changed, and I am still as strong as before. For example, if I have to deal with a group of sand scorpions now, I may not be able to deal with being alone or sneak attack, but I will be fine.
"Xuan Bing curse! 」
Because there are twelve scorpions, Zhao Linger did not cast the middle-level group attack magic, but released the middle-level single attack magic Xuan Bing curse
567 damage floated from the top of the scorpion’s head. The Zhao Linger magic attack was a very high move. The Xuan Bing curse immediately lost the scorpion’s health by more than half.
Hmm? No, what kind of 3-level sand scorpion has 1 health point? This ….. This is too inconsistent with the monster attribute. After all, the life value of monsters of the same level in the outside world is already 7,000. The strength of monsters in the temple of life in the sand scorpion body should be stronger than the outside world, so even if it is ten thousand, it can be said in the past.
But it is strange that the health of these sand scorpions is poor. Is it possible that the monsters in the temple of life are all weaker than the outside world? Is it possible that the danger anomalies of the three high temples announced on the official website are all illusions? Otherwise, how can this strange feature be explained if the scorpion has 1 health point?
Zhao Linger’s five-monomer attack magic was cast once and again, and we assisted in the first cycle of attack. Twelve sand scorpions were already killed, and three sand scorpions were left. Naturally, they saw the danger of Zhao Linger and even dispatched a third of the troops, that is, Sansha Scorpions attacked Zhao Linger.
Although the health of these sand scorpions is low, the speed is surprisingly fast, but it accelerates in a flash. Just like a flash, the three sand scorpions have bypassed my protective circle and directly swayed the tail of the sand scorpion and stabbed Zhao Linger. Three injuries, 345, 321 and 33, floated up from Zhao Linger almost at the same time, and the current health immediately slipped by 3%.
"Purgatory is really hot! 」
After being attacked by the sand scorpion, Zhao Linger was angry and immediately released the fire. The high-level magic purgatory was really on fire. The three injuries, 123, 1123 and 17, rose from around Zhao Linger. Just now, a scorpion in Sansha attacked her and died externally.
If it’s a pure purgatory, the attack power is good, but it’s only 900 damage at most, and it can’t burn the sand scorpion. But it’s a pity that the place where we are now is a desert area, where the power of fire skills will be increased, so Zhao Linger released the purgatory, and the power of real fire was increased, which directly killed the sand scorpion.
Sneaking on Sansha Scorpion was burned to death. Zhao Linger’s anger subsided. Look at the distance, he has planned to scatter and escape. Sands Scorpion waved the wind magic in the middle order. "Intermediate earth magic" crack day collapse! "It has already released the past.
The two skills merged in the middle of the road, and none of the sand scorpions escaped from the attack. Because of the pitiful low health value of these sand scorpions and the amazing power of Zhao Linger’s two-in-one magic, they all hung in Zhao Linger and violently used some silver equipment and potions of gold coins.
It solves the problem that all the sand scorpions are confused, because they have just contacted the sand scorpions in the temple of life, which is the speed of attack and defense. They are all first-class creatures, which are much stronger than the outside world, but the only thing that is strange is the health value of these sand scorpions.
Level 3 sand scorpion, and it still appears in the three high temples. The health of sand scorpion is just 1 o’clock, which is a bit rare.
In fact, people’s confusion is very easy to understand. You know, a list of information departments such as monster attributes of the Temple of Life are modified according to the information of the entrants. If the Avengers Dragon Soul enters the attribute state, then these sand scorpions can have thousands of health values without 10 thousand.
But it happened to be the Avenger, and now the health value has been sealed, leaving one tenth of the original, and the most important point is that the Avenger is the highest ranked player.
You should know that most of the attribute data of monsters in the three high temples are modified according to the data of the player with the highest level. This time, the player with the highest level in the Temple of Life, then the monster data of the Temple Department is modified according to the existing attribute data of Avengers.
The Avengers’ health is sealed at nine, so these sand scorpions’ health will naturally be sealed. Although there are not so many Avengers, it is still possible to seal seventeen. Therefore, there should have been more than a thousand health, and the sand scorpion was reduced to 1 point before the Avengers’ life was sealed.
It can be said that the Avengers’ health value is sealed. Although it is unlucky in the outside world, it has almost reached the point where drinking water can plug the teeth. Fortunately, for players who are wandering in the three high temples, the Avengers’ health value seal is just the best seal.
An old frontiersman loses his horse—a blessing in disguise
Of course, the reason why the health of the sand scorpion is so low is because the Avengers’ health is sealed. Four players and an NPC naturally don’t understand. After all, these two things seem to have nothing to do with each other, even if someone wants to connect them, they are rooted.
Chapter two hundred and twelve Desert Pyramid ()
Because monsters in the desert are all like a sand scorpion, although the attack and defense speed are relatively strong, they are all equal in the same level, but the life value is too fragile. In Zhao Linger, the danger index of powerful magic attacking us has reached a certain level

Lu bullshit this mouth for help Qi Yufeng cried the great difficulty. He felt that even if this man’s martial arts was similar to his own, he joined forces to defeat Zhu Bajiacuo, but he really grasped it, but he didn’t know that this character who looked like he was crossing over was destined to drag himself into this muddy water.

He looks up at this nonsense Lu, who is very handsome and handsome, but how can he act like such nonsense when he can be called a dragon and phoenix?
See Lu bullshit eyes moist with a sly kind smile but extremely malicious, he immediately thought of this Zhu Bajia measures previously said that he had no intention of killing himself, and he didn’t want to compete with this Tibetan monk, so he tried to drag himself to a difficult situation-this old monk tried to get away with it.
At this time, Qu Fei-yan said, "Don’t you always claim to be the smartest? Don’t you always get lucky when you meet any strange things?" Why do you still pull others’ water? "
Lu bullshit laughed. "Today, I want to be successful. Can I still find a second fencing helper in this restaurant? If the Huashan master helps me, I will become a dead egg. "Say it again and solemnly bow to Qi Yufeng with a smile in my eyes, but I don’t see any tension."
There are many exquisitely carved people in the restaurant. At first, Zhu Bajiacuo, an old acquaintance in his youth, turned to him for help because he wanted him to be a shield. But when Lu Bullshit came out, he couldn’t help but be surprised. Immediately, he couldn’t help thinking, "What’s the doorway to this little truth?"
Qi Yufeng thought that this man was also called Lu Bullshit and Lu Sandan, and some people called him "Chicken". What was his name?
Qu Fei said, "Even if you can’t beat him, you can escape. I don’t believe you will die, Qi Yufeng. You mustn’t help him or I’ll never talk to you again."
Lu light say with smile "originally the little brother surnamed qi? Brother Qi has a good word to tell you. I wonder if it should be said improperly? "
Qi Yufeng saw that he was courteous and a master in Wulin and quickly got up and said, "Brother Liu, please speak."
Lu scattered light squints at Qu Feiyan and said coldly, "In fact, it’s best to stay away from the real method to avoid it, so as to try our best to make a pretence …"
Qu Fei-Yan immediately raised his eyebrows at this, making eyes like charming cheeks, and snorted in his white mouth. He pressed one hand on the desktop like a hedgehog and was about to blow up at any time.
"But-a character like Qu Sister is gorgeous, brilliant, exquisite, versatile, versatile, proficient in piano, chess, painting and cooking. It takes such a character 500 years to have a Qi brother. You must grasp it and don’t miss it!"
Qu Fei smoke bursts into a smile, smiles and gives birth to spring. When she came, her skin was better than snow and beautiful. Color absolutely beautiful when they heard her smile, they all felt that this room seemed to be a lot brighter.
Listen to her chuckle and laugh. "I won’t let him help you fight, Qi Yufeng. Will you listen to me?" Speaking of which, her heart is also extremely emboldened. This Qi Yufeng usually tells him not to deal with himself and says that he won’t let help. Maybe he has to help.
Lu scattered light doesn’t answer is to go to Qi Yufeng near and stretch out a finger and turn around slowly. Qi Yufeng cried and felt as if someone had drawn a big circle on his chest. He was immediately shocked and said, "It’s not difficult to stimulate the finger to break the kung fu, but it’s really rare for him to have such a mellow and broad finger as if he were really haunted by a finger."
In his mind, he actually didn’t want to taste Zhu Bajiacuo’s World War I, but the strength was too wide, and he hoped that this idea would gradually be suppressed.
What he has learned is that if he meets the strong, he will be strong against the enemy. If his martial arts are not high, there will be no need for him to constantly encounter the master’s coup and inspire many subtle things to play incisively and vividly.
Apart from be adept at’s sword tactic and swordsmanship, this "Nine Swords of Dugu" has a great part to rely on, that is, to make the swordsmen understand when facing the enemy. Once they are free to play a more standardized realm, the wider their knowledge and understanding, the higher their swordsmanship will be. Every master competition will be like learning a strange and varied swordsmanship.
After learning this peerless swordsmanship, Qi Yufeng has never met a strong enemy. Zhu Bajiacuo’s hasty World War I also ended hastily. If Zhu Bajiacuo had a good fight, he would have enriched his experience and realized the deeper meaning of martial arts swordsmanship.
When he saw this man’s subtle finger force, he couldn’t help thinking that he might not lose by combining his own moves with this man’s vigorous strength.
But then I thought that Zhu Bajiacuo had already let him go before he announced it. This has to be realized and agreed.
So he bowed his head thoughtfully for a moment and said, "Can you compete with me, monk?"
Qu Feiyan couldn’t help sighing and pouting when he heard this. "I still want to beat my generation and ignore you!" " Then he picked up his backpack and hid in the door.
A few of them talked for a long time, and Zhu Bajiacuo kept his head down and drank. When he heard this, he immediately stopped drinking and said coldly, "Are you confident that Cai Feng’s flying wings and yet I feel the harmonious heart-beat of the Sacred Unicorn’s first-class flying skills are against the old woman?"
Lu Sandan shook his head with a wry smile. "Your skill has already been refined, and you still have a virtual glimpse of the innate situation. How can I be your opponent by myself?"
Zhu Bajiacuo slowly turned around and looked at the two men. When they saw one person dancing, the dragon and the phoenix were young, but their fingers were mysterious and unpredictable. The other person is not weak in the crown, but also fencing. If God has gradually glimpsed the realm of "winning and winning", it is even more important for people who are famous for their achievements.
Immediately, he couldn’t help but sigh, "You two can’t walk together, but you really don’t have many opponents, but it takes twenty years to beat the old woman."
Lu Sandan smiled. "That’s not necessarily why we should give it a try."
Zhu Bajiacuo said, "Well, I’ll learn the first fencing skill on this day, and the first finger skill on this day. If I can’t give a lecture on the sword before I leave, it’s the first regret of the day. I hope that you can reach out and point out the maze, and dare to forget it."
Say he long sleeves a jilt like changfeng dynamic cloud gas polymerization to detain his feet to blow a whirlwind, the whirlwind turned faster and faster, the more violent listening to banging for several miles, tables, chairs, and benches were all whirled by this sleeve wind, like being hit by water, rolling downstairs along the window.
And this Gangfeng has blown over four miles, three mountains and five mountains. Heroes have long been far away from the smoke, but they are all attracted. Everyone can’t bear to lean against the wall one by one
Qi Yufeng escaped from this Changfeng and jumped into the field. The green mountain in his hand flashed out a long white sword, which made everyone feel black and cold. At once, everyone couldn’t help feeling that the young man had a long sword. If he could protect such a baby, he would like to come to martial arts. It should also be extremely strong.
In Qi Yufeng’s Miao swordsmanship, "Teng Jiao Qi Feng Potential" obliquely points to Zhu Bajiacuo’s left chest. This move is to attack with defense in the middle and attack with defense in the middle, but it is a move with both offensive and defensive sharp swordsmanship. At this time in Qi Yufeng, it is even more powerful to integrate hundreds of parents into deep research and polishing.
When everyone saw that the young man was posing with a sword, he seemed to be ordinary, but his strength, skill, style and strength were just right. He felt that his eyes were shining and he had a broad vision. Immediately, someone couldn’t help shouting, "Good swordsmanship!"
There is no lack of swordsmanship experts among the people present. Just now, Zhu Bajiacuo said that this person has great talent and the first swordsmanship. There are still some who not only see this move at this time, but also can’t help sighing if they make it by themselves.
Lu Sandan held up two fingers and leaned forward to Qi Yufeng. "Are you good at attacking or defending, little brother?"
Qi Yufeng’s "Nine Swords of Dugu" has the best attack of advancing and retreating. He immediately blurted out "Attack!"
Lu Sandan nodded. "Just my" Linxi Finger "kung fu is the best defense from the magical power of" snapping fingers "and" one yang finger ".If you believe me, I will defend for you, for example? “
Qi Yufeng stared at Zhu Bajia Cuo, who was sitting in front of him, and looked solemn. He slowly took out a foot long bone flute from the bosom, and I didn’t know what the method was.
He immediately laughed. "Then what’s not trustworthy? Besides Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue swords, are there any weapons that can’t be clamped by one finger?"
Lu scattered light surprised way "who is Ye Gucheng? Ximen Chuixue, you know him? Oh, if he saw a fencing genius like you, he would be overjoyed, but he hasn’t practiced fencing yet … "
Zhu Bajiacuo said coldly, "Why bother if you want to fight?" Immediately, with a wave of his long sleeves, he attacked the two men. His sleeve wind was sharp and Changfeng was different, and it was very soft. It seemed that there was a breeze that gently lifted his sleeve, and it was always elusive.
Qi Yufeng avoided this slow-moving sleeve and immediately stabbed a long sword, such as the dragon Teng Fengming’s nine-deep tip with a clear whistle and stabbed Zhu Bajiacuo’s eyebrows
Lu is weak, but holding out a pair of fingers, a row of air, a row of arc blaster and pointing out to the front sleeve. The erratic fixed sleeve is forced by this force to move faster than the backward shot at Zhu Bajiacuo, and when it hits him more than five feet in front, it stops moving.
Chapter 1 offensive and defensive
Zhu Bajiacuo’s right hand bone flute is drawn into an arc to block the sword in Qi Yufeng’s hand, and then his left hand pushes the long sleeve and blocks the attack of the land. He nodded his head at the landing, saying, "Lingxi refers to a well-deserved old woman who didn’t have such skill when she was your age."
In fact, the two of them have fought several times in secret, but their strength is far less profound than that of Zhu Bajia’s measures, but he should be strong in reality, so it is somewhat difficult to hurt the enemy, although he is taught to be powerful and powerful.
Zhu Bajiacuo sat in the room with only one chair left. He waved his long sleeves out of his palm and kept on recruiting. He seemed to have a good rest, but he couldn’t help secretly surprised.
Lu Sandan’s martial arts is known as "yet I feel the harmonious heart-beat of the Sacred Unicorn with wings flying in Cai Feng", and the latter sentence says that his ancestors are "a finger of the spirit". The former sentence does say that his flying skills are equally high.
Zhu Bajiacuo thought to himself, but if he attacks this person from a long distance, he will definitely be inferior to himself. But in this restaurant, he dodges and evades his posture in a square inch, but like a loach, he can often escape from himself with a stroke of three twists and two songs, which is extremely strange and unusual, which makes him feel great novelty.
Lu played a few tricks, but he was also shocked and somehow knew that if he tried his best to display his flying skills, maybe that one would be unable to resist being brushed by him.
Immediately, he inclined to the left for three steps, then slowly retreated vertically and horizontally to shake out more than a dozen figures. His fingers were scoffed at before, and Zhu Bajiacuo fought with one sleeve in one place.
Qi Yufeng turned around and the sword swung and flew out. This sword is elegant and graceful. If there is a sword, it is raining and changing like the wind. It is his unique skill to understand from the "broken arrow"
Zhu Bajiacuo glanced at his mouth and shouted, "Good swordsmanship!" Playing the right hand bone flute, a gust of wind lashed into a bone wall to block one enemy and two without fear.
Lu scattered light and looked askance and watched intently. At this time, Zhu Bajiacuo resisted Qi Yufeng’s coup. There was a slight gap in his figure. He immediately raised his hand and stabbed Zhu Bajiacuo’s left wrist with a finger like an arrow. His great momentum was magnificent, and his previous changes came and went. Subtle and small kung fu was very different.

Extreme ice rain

Cold current vortex
Ice cones, ice spines, ice hockey and ice guns were carved, and the storm roared and the ice filled the sky. Deborah stood in a blue world.
Even those pieces of red Se injury figures can’t be seen clearly.
Ye Feng was in tears. Deborah was swept by the ice storm like a kite. At present, the ice crystals burst and the difficulty of hitting in the blurred vision soared.
"Tyrannosaurus Rex classmate please" really depends on the dragon language beast pile hatred.
Ye Feng output while comprehensive dragon beast damage calculation hate value busy.
Thunder and thunder, thunder and lightning, earth dragons …
Fifteen seconds passed in a flash. I didn’t expect that the tough Tang girl had more combat experience than Ye Feng. She could think of the problem of hatred O, and she wouldn’t think that the last skill was frozen in the polar regions
Deborah was in the refrigerator and became an ice sculpture again.
Tang Weiwei put away her staff smartly and smiled. "Sister, I’ll give you this hundred catties. If I can’t get my hatred back, I’m going to run the corpse."
Ye Feng glanced back in his busy schedule at your sister’s weight of 100 kilograms. Except for the fleshy chest and buttocks, everything else is very skinny. Of course, it’s not as skinny as a whole, but it’s still full. If you have more fat, you will be thinner if you have less fat.
Ye Feng secretly praised the perfect arms, and a shadow of a dragon’s dragon’s sharp shadow penetrated the ice and plunged into Deborah’s body.
Shenwei chop, dark swing, Xuan Bing stab …
This time, Tang Weiwei’s polar ice was weakened from seven seconds to six seconds.
When the ice finally melted, Ye Feng Xuan Bing stabbed her, but the hatred was still with Tang Weiwei.
"Go back to the fourth prison on the left" Ye Feng shouted without looking back.
Tang Weiwei’s execution of Ye Feng’s command has not yet formed conditions like DOG beauty’s blind implementation of anti-SH.
"the door hits the dog"
Ye Feng grabbed Deborah with a bully’s fist, and hit that enchanting face with three punches without mercy.
Being attacked by the curse of death is not very powerful, but the stun effect of overlord’s boxing with five seconds is not affected much. Deborah was stunned for four seconds.
Ye Feng war spear picked at Deborah’s ankle and broke a tendon.
The blood volume has already been full, and the dragon beast summoned the tornado to twist Deborah’s dome. The hate value here in Ye Feng finally exceeded that of Tang Weiwei.
Glancing at Deborah’s blood volume, 925% of everything is OK. Ye Feng started to run to the fourth prison on the left and bowed his head and went in. Compared with other prisons, this prison is spacious and square, about 300 square meters. Tang Weiwei and Dragon Beast then ran ahead and stopped at about 30 yards away from the prison.
Then Deborah flew after her like a ghost, and her hatred was firmly locked. Ye Feng stared at Ye Feng’s face without any anger, and Yin was still smiling.
"Did you run away?"
Deborah giggled with her left hand, and a ridiculous black fireball appeared in her palm. The black flame reflected her snow-white face quite strangely.
The magic flame of death
Deborah smashed the black fireball with a low drink, and the result was a bang in the prison. The black fireball was blocked from castration and delayed by anti-shock. The volume of black fire rustling and falling suddenly decreased by one third, and then it fluttered to Ye Feng, and both speed and power were greatly weakened.
How can this level of magic hit Ye Feng, which has long been guarded against?
Ye Feng slipped lightly to the left, and all the black fireballs flew slowly from his side, hitting the wall and then falling apart.
Ye Feng conveniently threw a taunt to consolidate hatred and pulled out a handful of Aceh short crossbows, which were full of crossbows, according to Deborah’s speed.
It’s better to talk about it with low damage than to suppress Deborah with blood-eating venom.
Deborah’s face was teased by this, and there was a trace of anger. The staff pointed to an instant dim light and she came out.
The result is another bang. The iron fence spans 20 yards. The iron fence is slightly shaking. The intensity of the dark light bomb is not as good as that of the death magic flame. This time, the volume is reduced by more than half. When flying to Ye Feng, the power is not as good as that of the flame mage’s instant fireball.
Ye Feng war spear shook and twisted directly to break the ball-sized dark light bullet and was scattered by a spear.
In the distance, Tang Weiwei suddenly realized that Deborah had known all kinds of magic except the gaseous curse, the need for death, and the charm of J and NG controlling magic. The size of the other magic forms exceeded the radius of 5 yards, while the two metal bars in the row of iron bars were less than 15 centimeters apart.
That is to say, unless Deborah’s death and charm, other magic attacks will be blocked by iron fences, and then the power of her speed will weaken and shrink. Ye Feng can easily MISS it even if she doesn’t * *.
Neither death nor charm directly hurt magic. Deborah can’t kill Ye Feng even if she can release it continuously.
Theoretically, Deborah BOSS’s strength is just a grating root that can’t stop her. In normal times, she can melt it with a magic flame of death, but Queen Deborah prevents her from imprisoning these mercenaries to escape. I don’t know where to find strange metals. They are all micro-reinforced magic circles. It is estimated that there are not twenty or thirty magic roots that can’t be broken. This is Deborah’s cocoon. If it weren’t for these iron fences, Ye Feng would be ready to run away at this time.
Deborah seems to have gained insight into Ye Feng’s Y and N plan and flew into a rage, and her body went in from the open iron gate.
Ye Feng was so happy that he just wanted to bring Deborah into the prison, saying it was big or small, which was enough to avoid and make him easy to get close.
Deborah just entered the door, and Ye Feng quickly cut into the overlapping quartet again and swept past Deborah. When Deborah turned around and locked him, Ye Feng had reached the door and slammed the fence door and was killed by him …
Chapter DiLiuJiuLiu Door dozen dog
"Listen to my command and do it later//"Ye Feng’s secret language Tang Weiwei Tang girl avoided being "magic sound" and made it ripple like Ye Shaoshao, shielding the sound and hearing nothing but the secret language.
"Be careful when you know it."
Tang Weiwei promised while the dragon beast ran back, and the hatred was held steady by Ye Feng. Deborah would never abandon Ye Feng to attack her unless Deborah could clear her hatred, but even if she wanted to attack Tang Weiwei, she had to demolish the fence first, otherwise she would shrink and black magic would not pose a threat to Tang Weiwei.
Ye Feng returned a violent blow with a spear, stunned Deborah, and then decisively broke armor and lowered defense.
as powerful as a thunderbolt
Xuan Bing thorn
Kill by stealth
Critical strike 1443
Heavy chop
"Damn noble, you are as mean as a dirty mercenary. I want to suck your blood dry …"