
Bai Huan was about to speak when someone suddenly snatched her hand.
She watched helplessly as Ye Chen put it in her ear and touched Ba Youyou’s mouth.
"Are you Bai Huan’s family?"
There was a sudden change of tone. Li Zhen was Fu Jingsi’s attitude immediately improved.
"Yes, I’m Bai Huan’s mother. Now her brother has some difficulties and wants to take 20 thousand yuan from her for turnover-"
"Oh, so" Ye Chen paused and said to her, "It seems that I misunderstood? I’m here to repay your daughter’s usury. "
"… what did you say about usury?" Li Zhen asked him.
"Don’t you know? Your daughter owes me more than 500,000 loan sharks, and now the interest rate has almost tripled … She told me that she is raising money and you are here to redeem her. "
Ye Chen solemnly made up the story.
I have to say that his acting is really good.
If it weren’t for her, Bai Huan would definitely believe it.
Li Zhenshen has never seen the world. As soon as Ye Chen said that there were millions of usurers, he immediately panicked and quickly cleared up with Bai Huan.
"Of course not! We have already cut her off. We don’t have a disorderly girl like her at home. How much money does she owe you? You can solve it yourself. Have you told us? "
Li Zhen said these words with a bang and then hung up.
Listening to the busy tone from the receiver, Ye Chen laughed and handed the lock screen to Bai Huan.
"It’s funny," he looked into Bai Huan’s eyes. "Now I suddenly feel that Mrs. Ye seems to be quite good to me."
"Well" Bai Huan’s mood is not very high at the moment, but also stuffy.
In her opinion, Su Yan has been very good to Ye Chen. She will feel sorry for not giving Ye Chen enough heart when she was a child, and now she is trying her best to make up for it.
Bai Huan never dared to expect Li Zhen to do this to her, even without thinking about it.
"They asked you for money before, didn’t they?" Ye Chen took white huan wrist bowed their heads and kissed her fingertips "how much? Huh? "
"Just took one hundred thousand" Bai Huan answered him truthfully.
"I can’t see it." Ye Chen blinked at Bai Huan. "Our baby was still a little rich woman."
White Huan "…"
"It seems that you are hiding deep." Ye Chen provoked her to put her lips close to her and asked her solemnly, "Does the little rich woman want to keep me a small white face?"
Seriously, I can’t imagine how sweet these two people are.
134th, call dad.
Bai Huan was stunned by Ye Chen’s ci. He should be the first man in the world who looks like a little rich woman.
"Why doesn’t my baby talk?" Seeing Bai Huan’s silence, Ye Chen continued to flirt with her. "Don’t worry, I am very easy to raise."
"It’s late. Go to bed early." Bai Huan crustily changed the subject. She pushed Ye Chen’s shoulder and kindly woke him up. "It seems that staying up all night is not good for your recovery."
"You’re so worried about me," Ye Chen said. "Well, let’s go to bed now."
Say that finish this sentence Ye Chen took Bai Huan away from the restaurant.
Go to the living room and just touch the preparation building to rest DOG.
DOG carefully observed the expressions and expressions of the two of them, and then smiled and waved at them. "Mom and Dad, I’m going to bed. You should go to bed early, too."
DOG has a good eye. He won’t stay here at this time. When the light bulb greeted them, he quickly ran back to his room.
Ye Chen looked at DOG with a satisfied smile from the direction.
Well, it’s a sensible and obedient girl. How can there be such a perfect child in the world?
Bai Huan was taken back to his bedroom by Ye Chen. After entering the door, Ye Chen directly hugged her to the bed, then put his hands around her and buried his head in her chest.
When he does this movement, he is almost exactly like a bubble. I have to say that genes are really amazing.
Bai Huan stared at Ye Chen for a while, and his brain was so hot that he raised his hand and gently covered his head.
His hair is a little stiff, which tickles her palms.
"Baby, let’s talk." Ye Chen suddenly looked up and looked at her seriously. "We have never talked."
At last, she realized what she had just done.
As soon as possible, put your hand back behind you and turn your eyes to him again.
"Well, go ahead," she responded to him.
"But I want to hear from you." Ye Chen pinched her face. "Tell me about the person who just called you, huh?"
Ye Chen didn’t even know that her family was so wonderful if she didn’t overhear Bai Huan’s words.
They have known each other for more than ten years, and Ye Chen has never learned about Bai Huan’s family.
Maybe because he himself is the kind of person who looks down on family, he doesn’t care what other people’s homes are like.
Ye Chen always thought Bai Huan was the kind of girl from an ordinary family, but she didn’t expect her family environment to be so complicated.
That old woman over there treated her so badly, you can imagine what kind of day she grew up.
After listening to Ye Chen’s question, he smiled wryly and said, "In fact, there is nothing to say. Didn’t you hear it all?"
"They always bully you like this?" Ye Chen asked her.
"It’s good to get used to it." If you get up before, your family will cry for nothing.
Now she is very calm, and her mood has not fluctuated.
"Anyway, I’m divorced from them now."
"But I’m still curious." Ye Chen took her hand. "Baby, would you like to tell me?"
Section 224
Over the years, Bai Huan has always been quite resistant to others asking her this question. Now Ye Chen asks her this question, and she has no resentment.

Su Wei thought about it. If possible, she might be able to win over the future design master, so she would be even more powerful.

"I’ll send you the girl’s positioning online later." An Qiqi wanted to think and sent both positioning to Su Wei.
The second positioning was too short, and she was not sure whether there would be any discrepancy.
"Sister, there is a kiosk." Su Jin went out to check a circle while Su Wei was talking, and soon got the result. "There is a Qin Chu in Fiona Fang that should be talking there."
Su Wei nodded at the same time, Anqiqi’s two-time positioning was also sent.
After receiving the detailed positioning, Su Wei couldn’t help but pick his eyebrows. "When did you locate this on July 7th?"
"Oh, it was written next to the positioning yesterday afternoon." An Qiqi said.
Su Wei moved her eyes and looked a little weird. "Did Xiaojin, the wife of shop-owner, tell you when she saw Qin Chu?"
"There was about two o’clock in the afternoon," Su Jin replied. "At that time, no one had three Qin Chu and a proprietress."
over 2 o’clock
Su Wei once again focused on positioning.
It’s also after two o’clock
She suddenly had a strange feeling.
"What’s your apprentice’s name in July 7th?" Su Wei quickly asked while An July 7th didn’t hang up.
The wrist watch is not equipped with a non-function station, and the voice can be heard by several people present.
"My apprentice didn’t tell me my name. I usually call her directly." An Qiqi paused and said, "I usually call her Yan Yan directly."
Yan Yan Yan Yan
It’s not what she wants, is it?
"What’s the matter? Is there a problem?" An Qiqi asked strangely.
When did she become so curious about her apprentice?
"No" Su Wei’s eyes flashed. "Your second position is recently, right?"
An Qiqi rolled his eyes across the screen. "Don’t you write everything?"
How did Vivian’s IQ get worse and worse?
"Okay, I know. I’ll let you know if there’s any news." Su Wei said a word and hung up urgently to make a second positioning.
Su Jin saw that Su Wei’s face was a little wrong, and he followed his head and looked a little different. "Isn’t this the Irish branch of counter-terrorism?"
Chapter 36 You will regret it
She contacted Guan Shuo only this afternoon, and he happened to have something to do in Ireland.
Maybe it’s true that he was having an affair with Qin Chu.
Impossible, impossible, it can’t be such a coincidence, can it
"Xiaojin, are you sure there are three people in Qin Chu at two o’clock?" Su Wei gasped and even her voice trembled.
"The boss’s wife was sure that it should be right if there were fewer people and three people with good looks," Su Jin said.
Su Wei suddenly felt that the world was a bit mysterious.
According to the present situation, her five-year-old baby girl is actually an Qiqi’s younger brother.
"Can yan baby is not five years old?" Su Jin corners of the mouth twitched a few times.
How many proud elites in the design department of Orierno once took the initiative to show their faces and beg for help from the July 7th Division?
Even if you are an outsider, you can learn so little talent.
She also knew when An Qiqi announced that she had received a cousin.
At that time, she was still thinking that she could be picky by a lazy woman like An Qiqi. That talent and experience certainly didn’t say that if you want to have experience, you must first have years to settle down.
So she told Su Chenran that An Qiqi’s younger brother is definitely a mature man with a sense of vicissitudes.
But I never imagined that my brother had somehow become his own niece.
Is it really good to be so talented?
At this moment, Su Jin still doesn’t know her niece’s another identity in Origno.
I wonder how she would feel if she knew that the famous "Yan Qingcheng" girl who had been "fighting" with herself on the Internet for many years was her own niece.
"di di di"
Just then the watch suddenly rang.

Ma Guangliang, the head of Ma Xifan, the king of Chu, and Xu Zhongya, the tenth bachelor of Tiance House, are concentrating on the pavilion.

Xu Zhongya saw Ma Guangliang twisting a black chess in the left corner of the chessboard and asked with a smile, "Your report is settled."
Ma Guangliang is a good chess player, but Xu Zhongya is a national player. The name of two people is half a minister, but the reality is that the mentoring is extremely harmonious. This Xu Zhongya chess is naturally not very reserved, and Xu Zhongya naturally wins more and loses less.
However, today, it seems that Ma Guangliang is ashamed and brave, which seems to have taken some advantage.
Ma Guangliang frowned and thought hard for a while, nodded and said, "It’s your turn for Master Xu."
"Ha ha" Xu Zhongya ha ha smiled and picked it up, but instead of mending Ma Guangliang’s fall, she made a "break" in the left corner.
Light can’t help but look surprised. Smiling Xu Zhongya bowed his head and thought for a long time. Nai shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Master Xu, your chess skills are really endless. Ah, I’m still in a good situation. I didn’t expect you to break the left corner by more than ten words. Ah, I still think you have murder for my dragon. I didn’t expect that …"
Xu Zhongya still said with that cheerful expression, "Chess is a path. Since ancient times, I like chess very well, but I don’t know what it is."
Xu Zhongya didn’t wait for Ma Guangliang to answer his own question. He replied, "Don’t underestimate the square inch. It’s not difficult to think about it, but I don’t know how much it will take. How many of those children are willing to spend time here?" However, it is not only beneficial to play chess in politics, but also beneficial to hide the dangers in chess. "
Light gave Xu Zhongya a thoughtful look at himself. How can this master come to play chess with himself for no reason when there are many politics at ordinary times and near the new year? So there is a reason.
"Your report yesterday, Li Jieda returned to Changsha, and the marriage between Chu and Tang Dynasties was officially reconciled. The king must have sent his troops to Lingnan soon."
"Ha ha ah, my cousin also don’t know how to think of his own killing brothers, killing ministers also just happened to want to hit me from time to time. He also dare not make a big fuss. Ah, it’s really a little petty. By the way, Master Xu, did you hear that my cousin Hanwang recently liked the eunuch again and wanted to be a big official? Can do the eunuch will seal you a big officer Dangdang ha ha I really don’t know what he thinks, "Ma Guangliang said as he shook his head.
When Ma Yin was alive, Liu Yan, the Lord of the Southern Han Dynasty, married Ma Yin’s daughter. Now the Lord of the Southern Han Dynasty is the grandson of Ma Yin, which happens to be Ma Guangliang’s cousin. His cousin loves to do two things. One is to kill his brother, cut off his head and send it to the western paradise to chat with his father. The other is to believe in eunuchs and be abnormal enough to believe in eunuchs. If you want to be a prime minister, you have to cut off your little brother to show your position.
Xu Zhongya said that the king of Chu was going to send troops to Lingnan, but Ma Guangliang actually gave this topic a fork to the main body of Lingnan. Xu Zhongya glanced at him slightly, but he was not annoyed. This is the way Ma Guangliang grew up. He never said what he wanted. He always waited for others to say it for him, so it was always good to make it for him by the way. He got a fork, so thank you …
Xu Zhongya still smiled and said, "Liu Zhaoyu ran back from Jingnan where did he get that important thing? You also saw it. I wonder what you are going to do?"
Ma Guangliang suddenly realized that Xu Zhongya seemed to have just discovered his purpose. He took a sip of tea and said, "Li Shifu once said that this Liu Zhaoyu is not credible …"
Xu Zhongya responded and said, "Li’s adult naturally has his concerns, which is also improper. Ma Guangmeng, who just fled from Jingnan to Changsha Jingnan our time office, immediately paid homage to impeach Liu Zhaoyu for losing his tribute and humiliating the country … It’s not like looking at the situation as fake, but let’s not say that Liu Zhaoyu is credible or not. He brought that thing with that chapter on it, but it’s definitely not fake."
Ma Guangliang finally looked dignified. He looked Xu Zhongya straight in the eye and asked, "It must be true in ten cases."
Xu Zhongya smiled and said, "It’s not as bad as ten * * report. One thousand, the king has a hand that is strong enough to subvert the great Chu state."
Ma Guangliang was silent for a long time before he said, "Master Xu, it’s not that you don’t know that my father is full of confidence in that man. I’m also the boat. You mean that I want that man to go to the crusade against Han regardless of his father. And Li Shifu …"
Xu Zhongya flashed a sneer in his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, don’t you feel something from this chess game?"
"Oh" Ma Guangliang eyes turned to the chess situation again.
"Master Xu, what do you mean …"
"Report today’s six armies permit Joan, Leo Liu Ying, Peng Shifang, Wang Yun, Seven Ye and the man each took an army, among which Peng Shifang is obviously a five-report person who can’t easily move Wang Yun’s loyalty, but seven Ye is actually the head in name but the real palm army is actually the lieutenant Liu and Liu, Leo Liu Ying and the man have mastered the permission of the three armies. It’s a great opportunity to come to Zhou Tingfa’s case. It’s a pity that we have an account in our hand to crusade against the Han State, but this step should be taken step by step. I remember that after the five princes broke Nanping, they had a military history. "
Speaking of this, Xu Zhongya took a sip of tea and said, "We might as well take this excuse and take the opportunity to play the king to rectify the army."
Ma Guangliang’s eyes seemed to be bright, but soon it was dark. He shook his head and said, "Master Xu, you haven’t seen Zhou Tinghui’s case. There are quite a few generals involved in the army. Even if my father wants to rectify the army, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it in the end."
"Ha ha report if we startle" Xu Zhongya said slowly.
"oh? How do you say this? "
"Report, let’s persuade the king to agree first, and then put on a big show to rectify the military style, so that the man will be frightened. At this time, we will take the opportunity to persuade the king to let Leo Liu go to war, and the man can’t figure out our eyes. We will not try our best to stop Leo Liu from leaving, so he just broke his arm."
Bright hands couldn’t help but blow him up, took two steps back and forth and suddenly asked, "but isn’t it a shame to rectify the army in the end?" If my father let me do it, I can’t reach the expected goal, so … "
"Rectification, of course, should be rectified, but there is a focus. With that account, can’t we just rectify the army of Joan? In this way, the permission was completely mastered, and Qiongjun also shocked several other armies. Isn’t it finished? " Xu Zhongya explained with a smile
"Wonderful, Master Xu, you are a natural gift to me." Ma Guangliang said excitedly.
"Ha ha, Dongye, what attention did you give to Wang Ye?" A drake mulberry came from the gate of the courtyard.
"Li Shifu, you’re right …" Ma Guangliang saw that Li Gao had come, and of course he told Li Gao Xu Zhongya’s plan in detail again.
Li Gao squinted and was drinking tea with a low eyebrow. Xu Zhongya was also secretly praising him. He thought about it and said, "I wonder how many troops Brother Dongye wants to persuade the King to send out?"
"Not more than two is enough."
"But Leo Liu and Liu Jun?"
"Yes, they are" Xu Zhongya nodded.
"Ha ha, Brother Dongye, it’s not right. It’s so silly that everyone knows who he’s going for, and there’s a biggest drawback in doing so. Although Liu is in charge of the army, the nominal commander of the army is the seven lords. The king has always been dissatisfied with the seven lords, and maybe he will really send seven lords to send troops. In this way, there are seven lords in his different identities, and we want to send a prison army to suffer."
"Monitor the army?" An idea flashed through Xu Zhongya’s mind that Li Gao’s mind was really heavy. He meant not only to tune Leo Liu, but also to take the opportunity to swallow this army. Hey hey …
Even if you leave a message, it will be successful and creative. Please work hard!
Chapter 5 Who will go to war?
Update and read quickly!
"It has been more than a month since Jinling, my little nephew, returned to Yuezhou in the west today. Jinling and his party have a thrilling desire to go to Changsha to meet their father Wang Shunai, Jingnan Xinping, and when the people are displaced by the disaster, my little nephew can go back to Yuezhou in the west first and try his best to calm down the situation."
Ma Xiguang, the left general in Tiance Zuo’s mansion in the south of Changsha, is happy and resentful. He is holding a letter and reading it with relish. This letter was just received at noon.
In the letter, Ma Yun talked about Kan Kan, that is, he said that he was having fun with his relatives and told his new wife to say hello to his uncle. He also recalled that Ma Xiguang took care of him a few years ago. At the end of the letter, Ma Yun was even more outspoken. Zhou Ting told me that he not only denied that he had got the account, but repeatedly emphasized the friendship between an uncle and an nephew, and condemned some people for their ulterior motives. The slander was nothing more than destroying the feelings of the two uncles.
Look at the date of signature, but it was written the day before yesterday afternoon. As soon as Ma Yun arrived in Yuezhou, he wrote this kind greeting letter. Yuezhou went to Changsha to wear the Dongting, and then it took two days to speed up the horse. This letter arrived in about a day and a half. It can be seen that the messenger was urgent, and his heart was a little relieved. The other day, due to the situation, he had a little trouble with Ma Yun. But from the heart, this Ma Yun grew up, and he stayed by his side for a long time than his own son. Speaking of feelings, it is not something that ordinary people can compare with Ma Xi Guang really doesn’t want to believe that his nephew will do something behind his back, but Zhou Tinghui’s case not only involved years of hard work to set up a small group, but also implicated himself. At this time, Ma Xiguang had no other way to frame Ma Yun without conscience and let the king of Chu have a bad impression of Ma Yun. Just send him to Jinling and kiss the best generation and don’t come back.
However, whenever he is alone in the quiet night, Ma Xiguang always feels a little ashamed. After all, this child grew up with himself.

So he pretended to think deeply for a moment, looked up and asked sincerely, "Why don’t you stab three swords instead? If my three swords don’t pierce you, turn around and leave, and then ignore this custom."

Dongba shook his head and said, "No, no, you Han Chinese swords are too sharp. It’s not real martial arts. You and I are one-on-one and three-handed."
Qi Yufeng turned around and stared at him. He took a look at everyone and took a few steps and asked, "Are they sure?"
Dongba shook his head. "It’s two people’s business, not theirs."
Qi Yufeng strolled a few steps in succession, as if he were meditating on Dongba’s proposal for a moment. Suddenly, he raised his sword and pointed it at the group of humanitarians. "I heard that you Tianzhu people are very cunning, and I’m not quite at ease. Why don’t you kill them first and then have a competition?"
Dongba was so angry and blue that he said, "I respect that you are a talented person with a sharp weapon. If you don’t start work, don’t blame me for your kindness."
Qi Yufeng raised his sword and pointed at him. "You are being ridiculous! This is my teaching place, and you still want to join in!
Dongba heard his words rhyme very much. He likes learning Chinese best when he is a beginner, and immediately learned to say, "How can I make trouble with emotion? This is our holy land of Bonism!"
Qi Yufeng walked up to him and said, "You’re being ridiculous! Your place is full of love and reason! You’re making fun of yourself by going all over the world! "
Chapter 37 I mayfly shake the tree
Dongba heard Qi Yufeng Ji Li guru a QiangBai entranced slightly zheng immediately, "this is your kindness importune …"
The voice did not fall and Qi Yufeng shouted "The first palm is big for nine days!"
Say he single palm condensed body force suddenly a beat forward straight at Dongba abdomen.
This palm is as straight as a glacier, and the avalanche in Tianshan Mountain is blowing straight, but it is really overwhelming. It is Peng Yingyu’s trick to "turn yellow and overturn"
This trick of "pale yellow overturning" comes from the martial art of teaching the world "Nine Hands", which was the most proud martial art of Yang Dingtian, the leader of the 33rd generation. He was confident that the second person was his opponent except Zhang Sanfeng, which made the messengers, French kings and scattered people dare to be angry and dare not speak. Even though he suffered a great loss from teaching, people dared to attack the sect.
When Peng Yingyu was young, he learned this unique skill from Yang Dingtian, but his skill level was not perfect. It was not until Zhang Ji took charge of the teaching that he ordered his martial arts tips, which enabled him to gain a glimpse of the beauty of his skill in the Nine Days. Thanks to this martial arts, he has been fighting enemies in the Jianghu for years.
Although this road is a trick, the palm force is too vigorous, and it is beyond human power to avoid it.
Dongba felt that his chest was not breathing well before he reached the palm of his hand. In an instant, the strong breeze blew in the air and stirred up layers of wind and shattered shadows. Four torches and candles were lit, and with the sudden growth of power, there were really thousands of people who were defeated by Yong.
Dongba took a deep breath in the crisis, and took a step forward with a slight depression in its chest. Qi Yufeng hit the left palm with one hand, but it was not caught off guard. Immediately, the left palm was cohesive and soft and qualitative. This is like returning to the light, and it is to borrow his breath and print another palm.
This palm name "pale yellow overturned" is naturally not just a flat palm, so the palm of your hand is in full swing, and the sea is raging like the yellow and the yellow, so the stars are in chaos, and the yin and yang are wrong, just like heaven and earth play the role of yin and yang, and everything is mixed with each other, and the essence of it is the "Nine Hands" palm method.
The two palms followed each other, but the difference was only a moment. Hearing a loud bang, Qi Yufeng felt that the palm of his hand was like a stone, which made his wrist numb.
He felt dizzy and heartbroken, and he even stepped back seven steps. The old woman behind him supported him in the middle of the back to live here.
He was shocked and felt weak. When he looked up, he saw that Dongba was faintly bursting into smoke, fog, purple gas and spectacular clouds in the night. He immediately gasped and asked, "What kind of martial arts is this?"
The old woman sank, "Young Xia, this is black yoga. You have to be careful."
As she spoke, she secretly transported the true qi, flicked her fingers and slightly opened her mouth. The acupoints behind Qi Yufeng cried Qi Yufeng. She felt that the true qi was coming through her body, and she combed the scattered true qi by herself.
Immediately, he felt that his body was in trouble and shook his head. "Thank you, my mother-in-law. I’ll come back to see this Dongba Juexue." He saw that the old monk was a bit ridiculous and inexperienced, but he had a good martial arts and was polite when he didn’t dare to speak lightly.
Then he took two steps forward and laughed. "The first palm has been played. Can you play the second palm now? If you want luck to heal, it’s up to you."
Dongba looked uncertain and nodded slightly. He just had enough strength to plan this young man, but his flesh and blood bounced back by his magic, and all the bones were broken. Who knows that he actually stepped back and hurt his chest faintly, but he was also surprised at once. The land in this place is really outstanding, and a minor has such a powerful force.
Qi Yufeng thought for a moment and turned back and asked, "Is mother-in-law’s yoga indestructible body the same as Shaolin Temple’s King Kong indestructible body?"
The old woman nodded and said, "It’s true that his kung fu is no less than that of meeting the monk … Do you have any helpers?"
Although she sees Qi Yufeng’s Excalibur amazing, there is no shortcut to her work. Although the Dongba monk doesn’t live in the Central Plains, he is also an extremely good master. With this young man, he is really sure.
When Qi Yufeng heard this, he was slightly surprised. His heart said that when he saw the great wisdom and great wisdom of the monk, his external skills all tended to be extremely high. A unique skill of "indestructible body" was a particularly amazing one of the five magical powers in ancient and modern times.
How could he have killed this man easily if Xie Xun hadn’t tricked him? And even after he died many years ago, Dai Qisi, the dragon king of purple shirt, doubted whether Xie Xun, the king of golden lion, had anything to kill. It can be seen that his martial arts are superb and he is far away from being a contemporary hero.
If this man is no less than he saw in those days, wouldn’t he look up at Qi Yufeng, a formidable enemy he had never seen before? He’s black and ugly, but he really doesn’t look like a Taoist monk.
Immediately, he nodded slightly to prepare for the delay. When Dongba saw him, he held out his chest and said, "Well, you can send the second palm."
His voice is not very loud, but his strength is vigorous and suspicious. He heard the words stirring around Fang Yushan and buzzing back for a long time.
Qi Yufeng heart Zhan Ran can’t help heart way, this manpower is really shocking, even if the seal is really and others are far from it, and he is also pregnant with such a beautiful feat. It seems that I will fail in this bet today.
It turns out that this Dongba Gong has gone from reality to reality in Qi Yufeng, and its manners and footsteps are hidden everywhere. He personally showed it to see that Qi Yufeng had been careless before.
Immediately, it would be difficult for him to make a sword break the enemy’s heart. There are five or five counts, but this person has practiced a "beating magic" but he has never met a good player in his life. I wonder if there will be any return this time, and the current situation may not be so good.
Immediately, he nodded his head and thought for a moment. He said, I have Zi Xia’s true spirit to protect himself. But he can’t hurt the anti-shock force of this kung fu. But if he doesn’t try, he is willing to take the road. "Well, you can take that."
Dongba was solemnly nodded, and his arms unfolded, and the attire wind automatically. Obviously, just now, Qi Yufeng’s palm, but he also suffered a lot. This time, the "yoga is not bad" was spread all over the body and the defense was really moving, and the glass was like a statue of Buddha.
Qi Yufeng gazed at his face for a long time, slightly stirring up his shoulders, breathing like a spine, and for a moment touching the breath between us. His feet clung to the ground tightly, and then he slowly bent his left leg slightly, and his right arm bent slowly and drew a circle in the middle. He heard that there was a four-mile cyclone echoing in the air, obviously pushing the force to the extreme.
This Dongba was shocked when he saw his strength. He shouted, "This … this is a dragon!"
Qi Yufeng jerked his breath and stored it in his body for a week, and his previous step started with his feet changing and his legs and waist dominated his back. He really saved energy like a bow and shot an arrow and shouted, "Yes, this is my Central Plains martial arts!"
See him a palm Pei however send a pure sun be the spirit surging out strong wind surge long fenglei faint cold horse.
That Dongba didn’t dare to be careless, but it was limited to gambling, but he couldn’t raise his hand hard. Immediately, he secretly regretted that he didn’t expect this young man to get the first masculine palm technique in the Wulin of the Central Plains, which could shake Qi Yufeng’s earth-shattering palm repeatedly.
Qi Yufeng a handprint on his chest heard two people like an explosion "bang" a loud noise, Dongba foothold slightly took a step back and felt his chest as if he had suffered a heavy blow from the hammer. Wow, he spit out one mouthful blood and cried faint.
Next to the historian, I can’t help but be surprised and happy. The young man is really fighting skill. Tong Xuan is the first master monk in Tianzhu, and he can be beaten so badly. It seems that this time, the historian has come down to such a strange boy to get rid of the disaster here.
Qi Yufeng immediately followed the rules of Wulin and took three steps back. He slowly turned his head and said, "What do you have to say, monk?"
The Dongba bent down, bent down and stared at Qi Yufeng tightly, and slowly folded his hands as if he were going to salute Qi Yufeng, but it seemed very difficult for him to get hurt. Seeing his hands folded and standing on his nose, he suddenly snorted a Sanskrit.
This ring is like a thunder and a clear broadcast. It’s really pleasant to hear and annoying to the listener.
Then his thumb and little finger touched the other six fingers, and he read aloud "Ah ~" in the shape of a lotus handprint. With this sound, his eyes suddenly opened and his dark face brightened, and the whole person seemed to be more holy than a few people wanted to worship.
Then he bent his knees slightly, made a seat-shaped handprint, raised his head and whispered "Ni ~"
"beep ~"
"mi ~"
"hmm ~"
Every word is as exciting as Huang Zhong and Lu Lu, and as he keeps reading out these six-character incantations, Dongba’s figure gradually recovers and stands up, and truly feels like a real Buddha.
Seeing that he looked up and his eyes were radiant and energetic, he said, "There is one last palm."
Qi Yufeng couldn’t help but be surprised to see his achievement method. He relied on these six words to recover so quickly. This man’s Buddhist skills are really superb.
Immediately, he shook his head and said, "Monk, why are you so profound in the mysterious martial arts and profound in Buddhism? It’s better to go home early to practice merits and achieve positive results early."
Dongba shook his head and smiled. "This place is the holy land where my Bonism flourished, so I have to take it back today."
Qi Yufeng shook his head and said, "You are a Taoist monk. How can you stay here in such a mundane matter? There is a cloud in the Buddhist scriptures … that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, you will be happy when you go along with it, and that Buddha will be happy when he kills people."

"I …" Annie looked at the only light leaking from the zenith for the last time.

Little sensen, you …
Big cheat
"May …"
"Don’t want to! ! !”
"She doesn’t want to! ! !” In the huge city, the small trident, which was in hand, struggled to kill the little one, and finally revealed its true face at this moment.
Its blue skin and fish-like body show its alien identity.
It is the last Kaima blind Jack’s best friend Fitz from the deep sea.
Fitz roared with anxiety and anger when she heard the girl answer on the screen.
Because it knows that girl is blind Jack’s favorite girl.
How can you stand your best friend girl being snatched away in front of your face?
This is not what a friend should do.
So it roared hard, and it wanted to attract the girl’s attention.
It’s going to tell her they’re coming. Blind Jack has come to save her.
But it knows that its voice is too low. That’s not enough. It needs the power of the sea! ! !
So it ruthlessly inserted the trident in its hand into the ground, and it whispered "Akana egil Ned" like chanting a spell.
Akana egil Nilde is the king of the Seven Seas, also known as Poseidon.
It is calling for the power of Poseidon! ! !
In an instant, the whole air was filled with a strong smell of sea.
The huge waves roared, and the trident, which was deeply inserted into the center of the earth, swept all the way towards the whole war college. Finally, a newly dug war canal outside the city rolled up the original calm river.
A moment-
"Dragon shark! ! !”
"Boom-"is like a giant cannon roaring and surging, and a fish head as huge as a hill suddenly rushes out of the water.
It broke through the fragile riverbank with its mouth open, which once bit off God’s arm, and wrapped in surging waves, and crossed the wasteland outside the city, and ruthlessly installed it on the wall that it claimed would never be broken.
"Boom-"The huge power hit the so-called unbreakable wall and made a frightening groan.
It was like the end of the world when the waves went straight to the head of the city
"Don’t promise him! ! !” Fitz finally make every effort to shout
That’s all it can do. Get it …
Dzmz in the city center rang, too. It was Sacco.
He is looking down at the earth from a tall spire.
Everyone is trying their own way to stop this absurd wedding.
"Did you hear that?"
Although it is not far away, it is screaming and fighting.
But it’s like being with them
This group of people is calm in the corner of the city as if they are not in the same world as those on the other side.
Each of them covered his face and breathed in silence.
Like waiting for something to come.
"The bell rang." No one answered the question. Finally, the person who came with the questioner answered the sentence.
He comes from heaven and is called Casadin or Marzaha.

"Where’s the plane?"

Thought of here, Lu Zhan took a look at the plane and found out that something was wrong.
The plane took Dao Mei and the widow too far. The three men have reached the middle river, where they are completely out of the battlefield here.
The three people’s blood lines show that the plane is dying, but it seems that he has been attacking and carrying Xiaolong Dao Mei, and his blood volume is not high
"Don’t hesitate!"
Lu Zhan thinks that the key to breaking the dead song is definitely the key. He still has to start with the dead song. He gave up the lion dog and went straight to the dead song.
I saved that flash when I was gank by three people, but it just came out now, and when I came to the land exhibition, it was lit by the dead song
We’re going to attack the dead song this time!
The front piercing spear hit the dead song and hit him a lot of blood, plus a general attack on the dead song by Lu Zhan, and the blood volume reached half.
After two seconds, Pan Sen’s dQ skills will improve in just four seconds. Lu Zhan has the confidence to kill the song. Thought of this, Lu Zhan took a look at the plane and found out that something was wrong.
The plane took Dao Mei and the widow too far. The three men have reached the middle river, where they are completely out of the battlefield here.
The three people’s blood lines show that the plane is dying, but it seems that he has been attacking and carrying Xiaolong Dao Mei, and his blood volume is not high
"Don’t hesitate!"
Lu Zhan thinks that the dead song is definitely the key to breaking the game. He still has to start with the dead song. He gave up the lion dog for a flash. He gave up the lion dog for a flash. He gave up the lion dog for a flash. He gave up.
Chapter 13 Close
Korean players know that dead songs can die, but not now.
After a battle, they deliberately created a dead song. The harvester would attack the mouse but leave him alive. On the one hand, it was because Pan Sen entered the scene, and on the other hand, it was because the dead song had a big move.
But Pan Sen’s attack is too painful. If he dies now, a big move can also take away the mouse, but not others.
Yu Pansen, if he rushes in like this, he will die. It’s all the same.
What South Korean players can do is kill Pan Sen before Pan Sen kills Dead Song.
To spell the output!
South Korea has four people here and China has three, but South Korea’s Nai found that the output of the four of them is not as high as that of China’s three.
Pan Sen’s equipment is too good and Xiaolong’s help is too strong. The most important thing is that the first wave of skills of the Korean team was lost to the mouse. Now most of the skills are in D.
And most unfortunately, the dead song is going to be blue.
With e skills, you burn dozens of blue dead songs every second. It’s been about ten seconds since you came into the arena when you were fighting wild monsters. His roots don’t have that much blue.
Blue means that he can’t put his skills. He only has blue left, either to maintain his E skills or to make his Q skills even more powerful.
The South Korean player Nailai is very good, and he has become passive before he knows it. Now there is no blue situation.
Dade Kenyon is surrounded by Persson. He learned E skills to make Q go to Pan Sen, and the attack power is much smaller immediately.
And Pan Sen is not so good. From being close to the dead song Lu Zhan, Panson kept walking and attacking him as if he had ADHD. It can be said that one third of the dead song Q couldn’t hit him.
At this moment, Dade can rely on having teammates.
The hammer stone hand Madlife has a flash distance from panson, so there is no way to avoid such a hook
Lu Zhan didn’t go to hide from the hammer and stone hook for a moment when the hook was hit, and even the dead song Q didn’t go to hide from him, so he made a general attack in situ
Seeing was the hammer and stone hook, and Lu Zhan actually had the second Q skill, throwing a spear and hitting the dead song, and taking away the dead song’s head.
Fans cheered and everyone could see that if Lu Zhan had just tried to walk away from the hammer and stone hook, he would not have been able to stop playing the general attack, and the damage would not have been enough to kill the dead song.

Feather who pushed the door and walked towards the water pipe didn’t take two steps to see two dog and big black blunt come over. The two goods screamed when there were dozens of meters away from Feather.

"Are you Brother Yu?"
"I wipe! Black, you got kicked by a donkey? Don’t even know the old? "
"Lie trough! What a feather brother! This is the feather elder brother sound, yes! Two dog, what you said is actually true. "
When he rushed to Yufan’s side, Dahei knelt directly at Yufan. This move scared Yufan, but when he heard the words in Dahei’s mouth, he was covered with black lines.
"Brother Xin Chun has eternal life! Brother Xinyu can become handsome! Brother Xinyu can become handsome! Brother Yu, please give me strength! I don’t need to be handsome to your level, just to make me white. "
This is kneeling in front of Yu Fan and chanting words in a big black mouth.
"Lie trough! No fever! Big black two dog, what are you doing? "
Feather who went to the front of the big black and put his hand back on the big black forehead and found that the temperature was normal, he questioned the two goods.
"Not what we make out! Brother Yu, you have to honestly explain how you became handsome. You can’t become handsome by yourself and forget your brothers! "
Big Black took off Feather Fan and put his dirty hand on his forehead to ask the reason why Feather Fan became handsome. Just now, two dog hurriedly ran over and said that Feather Brother had been thoroughly remoulded. He still didn’t believe it, but when he heard that the guy who was not handsome like a human was indeed Feather Brother’s voice, he immediately worshipped and wanted to turn white. It was always Big Black’s wish.
"Lie trough! It turns out that the black spots on your face are dead skin and mud! I knew that my buddies didn’t wash their faces! "
"Lie trough! Brother Yu, why don’t you take me when you don’t usually wash your face? If I had known that I could become handsome without washing my face, I would have washed my hairy face in two dog! "
Ten minutes later, two dog and Dahei watched Yufan tear off the dead skin last night and marveled at the fact that the reason why Yufan became handsome was that they lost the secret of becoming handsome after the scene didn’t wash their faces, and they were sad. I knew they didn’t wash their faces since childhood.
Yu Fan looked at the front and decided to wash his face all the year round. Two goods looked down on their unhygienic behavior and walked towards the water pipe area with a towel and a happy wash. He decided to wash his face every day from today.
Starting (
16 Guan Keer [Chapter Words 3194 Latest Update 21426 1:12:25]
"hey! Big black, this is 92 yuan. You can think of some ways to add some money to buy a game helmet. "Yaoshi" is definitely more promising than picking up garbage. If you mix your uncles and aunts, it will not be a problem. "
Yu Fan threw his hard-earned money for a year directly to Dahei, and now he plays the helmet. With this money, he needs it where he needs it more, so it is impossible for him to buy a helmet.
"Feather elder brother this money I can’t …"
"Long-winded fart! Here you are. You’re holding a big man and acting like a bitch. "
Seeing that Big Black wanted to refuse Yu Fan’s direct speech stopped him, he believed that Big Black’s skill in Yao Shi was definitely much better than picking up garbage.
"all right! Brother Kuroha gives it to you, just take it. When you get mixed up in Yaoshi in the future and earn money, you can also pay it back. By the way, Brother Yu, what’s your name in the game? What level is it now? "
Understand the character of Yu Fan and Da Hei, two dog came out at the right time and made a rounder. At the same time, he finally asked the question of fighting Yu Fan.
"oh! I call me a handsome boy. I owe it to you. Now it seems that level 12 is almost level 13! "
I heard two dog ask Yu Fan freely and told him.
"Lie trough! Lie in the trough! Lie in the trough! Brother Yu, what did you say your name was? "
"I am a handsome boy and I owe it!"
"Lie trough! You are the one who killed the sacred beast with my goddess tea Kerr, upgraded the system and drove more than 4 billion people out of the game in our world. I am a handsome guy and I owe it? "
Two dog stared at Yu Fan with an excited expression. Knowing the name of Yu Fan’s game brought him more impact than Yu Fan becoming handsome.
"You said that guy should be me!"
"Lie trough! Brother Yu, you are famous, do you know? "
"Yes! Are there many people who worship me now, especially beautiful girls who regard me as their idol? "
"Worship a fart idol a hair! Now everyone suspects that you are the boyfriend of Tea Keer or the one who kidnapped our goddess. Everyone is asking who you are. I am going to kill you! "
"Lie trough! No way! I have never seen what that woman’s face looks like! Still a goddess! She has many fans? "
"Not much!"
"oh! That’s good! "
"There are tens of millions! There are millions of hardcore fans and tens of thousands of powerful pursuers. "

I was just about to explain when I heard Qin Shuang say, "My brother died in this guard battle." I saw Qin Shuang’s sad face shed two tears.

"I know you are confused, I know you didn’t mean it, but my brother died in the hands of those skeletons, and the bodies were all chewed up. Who should I hate if I don’t hate you … Tell me who should I hate?" Qin Shuang muttered with his head down and his face in his hands.
"You tell me who I should hate"
"I’m sorry …" I whispered, facing Qin Feng at this time, I didn’t know what else to say.
After Qin Feng was silent for a long time, he looked up and looked at me with a reddish expression of eyes and said softly, "I shouldn’t have done this to you. Yesterday, the duke was not allowed to be good at rumors and shouldn’t listen to them, especially in your world. You are the hero of Breeze City and the duke is waiting for you at the palace."
"Wait for me?" I asked doubtfully.
"Equal to you" Qin Shuang said.
"What the Lord will wait for me?"
"The duke is the only one who knows. You go quickly. The duke has been waiting for a long time." Qin Shuang urged.
"That will happen …" I hesitated and asked.
"Let’s talk about it when you come back." Qin’s face is exhausted, but there is not much hatred in the fundus.
Looking at Qin Shuang, I don’t say anything about stepping towards the palace, but my heart is heavier. np is not like people. If they die, they can be resurrected. If they die, they will die. In this day, I didn’t know many np, but now one of them died for reasons.
"live! Do you know where this is? "Suddenly, a powerful voice brought me back to reality. When I looked up, I saw two spears crossing not far in front of me. Behind it was a huge palace gate, and further inward was a long passage with guards on both sides.
The passage is connected to the steps. At the top of the steps is the plaque in front of the towering hall. You can clearly see the three gold-plated characters that say "Zhenghe Hall" shining in the sunlight.
I looked back and said to the guard, "I’m the duke of Tianya. I’m here to trouble you to announce it."
"Tianya Chu?" The guard repeated it for a while and then said, "Come in with me." After that, the guard withdrew and stopped in front of me. The weapon turned and walked to the temple. I stepped and felt uneasy.
When I stepped on the steps and walked to the temple door, the guard stopped and turned to me and said, "Go in. The Lord is inside."
"Don’t inform?" I asked doubtfully.
"Since the dark forces invaded Breeze City, the duke has been worried. At present, all the city affairs are handled by the noodle people except the major events, and this day is waiting for you." The guard said without worrying in his words, but he couldn’t help turning his head and looking at the temple.
"The duke will wait for me this day?" I suddenly felt that Alexander, the duke, waited for me alone without asking about the affairs of the city. When did I have such a big face? I was still in shock, but I was pulled back by the guard’s words.
"It’s you who went in. I retired." Before I could reply, the guard turned and walked. I looked back and looked up at the huge plaque and took a long breath and took a step toward the temple.
Speaking of palaces, I have seen the Forbidden City. Although I was young and didn’t know much at that time, I was shocked by the imposing manner. Although it was not as tall as modern buildings, the solemn atmosphere permeated the whole area, and when I entered it, I would be infected and have reverence.
At this time, I am once again in such an environment. Although I am in a game, I still feel similar. After I stepped into the line of sight, I found that it seems that there is no one else in this palace except me. I can’t help wondering if the Lord is not here.
I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t worried, so I observed the temple.
The luxurious decoration department of Dianhao is painted with red logs. The doors and windows are carved with window paper, and then the two sides of the main hall are covered with four top logs. My log carving is a dragon map, and I found that it is the breeze city, the mainland mountains and rivers.
I watched intently as I walked around the temple, but I didn’t know the surrounding situation. When I turned to the third lap, suddenly the wall lights around the palace lit up, and the whole hall was lit up. I turned around and looked in the opposite direction of the temple door to see a man coming from the side.
Who else can this man be if he is not the duke?
Chapter three hundred and twenty-one Fate
People who have always been in Taiwan have eunuchs except the emperor, but this day the duke doesn’t know if this intimate person is also such a person.
People came up to me and looked at me not far away and said, "You wait a little longer at the end of the world, and the Lord will come out."
I nodded and said it was at this time that I noticed that this man was a personal servant named Fang Jue, and his gestures were full of masculinity. He should be a serious man, so it seems that the weather is still different in this respect
But I didn’t come here to see if there was any eunuch Fang Jue’s words. It didn’t take long for me to see the duke coming around behind the house. When he saw me, he said, "You are finally here at the end of the world." There was a kind of relaxation in the words.
What does it mean for the duke to see me so excited as a player … At that time, I turned to look at it at a loss, and I felt that he smiled slightly and motioned for me to answer the duke’s words.
"It’s the Lord. What can I do for you?" I respectfully replied
"Yes," said the duke, and turned to the main hall platform and motioned for me to sit down with him. After that, Fang Jue and I went on to say, "I think you are sincere to me in Breeze City?"
"The duke so ask refers to …?" I asked.
"You tube said," the duke said with a smile, but the look in his eyes was severe.
"I want to say, will the Lord of Jue Er Xin believe it?" I looked the breeze at the duke’s eyes and asked without giving in
"I believe you," said the duke.
Of course, I know what he means, so it’s not a good idea to play charades with him, so I said directly, "I know the duke asked me if I meant to betray Breeze City one day and help me release the dark forces from my hands the day before yesterday to occupy this place."
I said in one breath that Lord Breeze didn’t talk, and after a pause I said, "Even if I guarantee here that I won’t do that, you won’t necessarily believe me, will you?"
"You’re right," said Lord Breeze flatly.
"Then it’s no use saying that you asked. What’s the matter?" I said very simply, as far as my attitude is concerned, I dare say that if we let go of ancient times, it would definitely be a crime of killing Jiuzu with a door, but now it’s not that serious, but the duke just smiled and passed.
He said, "Less represents your attitude."
I nodded and said that I thought I had a good attitude. I was saddened by the fact that I worked so hard for so long without giving me a reward and almost deleted the number.
Bah, I hate the dark ones!
"So what conclusion have you reached now?" I see the breeze duke doesn’t speak simply asked.
"Do you feel guilty that many soldiers have died and many of them have not even recovered their bones?" The breeze Lord asked me to nod.
The duke of Breeze was suddenly silent for a long time. After listening to him, he suddenly said, "That’s all … I still believe that if you talk about it, you will go to Breeze City and risk your life like this time."
Then he put his hand on his forehead. Without waiting for my answer, he suddenly saw him put his hand down, looked up at me and asked, "Will you do this?"
"Of course," I said without hesitation, but at the same time I thought of what the Skull King said, adding that "even if I fall to the point where I need to be attached to the dark forces, I will definitely guard this place."
"This time it’s no wonder that even if you don’t destroy the holy land, you will be afraid sooner or later. Then it won’t be as simple as this time. Maybe it’s a good thing for us to come early. After all, the holy land will not last long," said the breeze Lord.
"How do you know all this?" I was curious and asked directly.
"Don’t forget that I am the duke of Breeze City. This forbidden holy land is to protect Breeze City, and there have been many abnormal situations near Breeze City in recent years. How can I not know these things? Now the solution saved me the fear every day. "At some point, the duke laughed.
"What should I do in the future?" I asked
"I don’t know the way, or do you want to go by yourself? Even the strong in heaven can’t decide the fate of others, can you?" Breeze castellan shook his head and said that he was tired again in his look.
"That’s not necessarily true. If it’s the strongest, then other people’s lives are in his hands. Isn’t the fate controlled by him?" I looked at him and said that although the other person was an np, I couldn’t help arguing.
"Who escaped death? Even if he was killed, it was just an early end. Where has the fate changed? "Breeze Lord smiled flatly." In fact, everything is fate, and the world has no ability to change its fate. "
I stared at him and didn’t know what to say.

Kidd is not inferior to the top point guard Marion in the Mavericks. He once again felt that when he played in the Suns, he would definitely get a basketball if he ran out.

Mavericks, an old demon, doesn’t make a difference in the rotation, but he averages 11 assists per game and makes it harder for Lupus to break through the ball on the defensive end. His team has contributed as much as others, but it can be seen that he has not contributed much.
Ji Guo was ashamed, but he could feel Kidd’s role. Although the Mavericks didn’t double-team easily, Kidd still helped him find the ball, which made it difficult for him to find the opportunity. This old monster was extremely accurate in timing the help, which not only made him feel uncomfortable, but also ensured that he didn’t miss his defensive skill. The whole nba could not find a few.
Marion can’t defend like this. He has always lacked the timing of cooperation, but he can do it with Kidd in Marion. This is the emergence of a real superstar, just like most of them have become better defensively with Duncan.
Real team stars can really drive their teammates to play, and some players need such stars to drive, such as Marion and Terry, and players like Nash and Kidd can fully play their abilities.
In the second quarter, Ji’s humiliation strengthened his personal attack. First, he fouled Gottat online, and then he scored four points outside the three-point line and scored six points to help the team overtake the score.
If Kidd and Marion have forged a solid perimeter defense against the Mavericks, then Terry’s unreasonable three-pointer this year is the Mavericks’ offensive end. His shooting belongs to the unreasonable attack against the defense, just like Crawford in previous seasons.
In those seasons, once Crawford felt hot, one person could let the Clippers win the game. Although he didn’t break out in every game, it was considered that the Clippers bought insurance themselves. Once the two brothers didn’t feel good when attacking, he could also be a backup for Indiana Jones.
Terry is like this now, but he doesn’t explode occasionally, but almost every game. The three-pointer shooting rate is close to 5%. The team has such an offensive output point, and I am afraid that the head coach and fans will laugh even in their dreams.
At half-time, Ji Guo scored 22 points, 9 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 blocked shots and 2 steals. He had a good chance to win three doubles again, but the Clippers were still 5 points behind the Mavericks at 535.
For the Mavericks, Yao scored 1 point and 5 rebounds, Nowitzki scored 1 point and 5 assists, Kidd scored 6 points and 6 assists, Terry scored 12 points and Marion scored 5 rebounds.
The Mavericks’ scores are still so average. Nowitzki interviewed on behalf of the team at halftime. He said, "We don’t regard ourselves as the leading party. We all know the fact that whoever loses this game will be eliminated!" Nowitzki’s words won the support of fans. Today, the stadium has never stopped cheering.
Carlisle still didn’t dare to be careless at halftime. He said, "We are five points ahead at halftime, but this advantage has not yet reached the heart and celebration. I noticed that fo had a 3+1 at halftime, which means that the guy needs two attacks to overtake the score. We must wait until the final whistle to relax, and we must be the leader at that time."
"What are these three guys so stable?" Ji Guo’s humiliation is good enough, but he still can’t kill the Mavericks
Every time he scores Yao, Nowitzki and Terry on the other side, someone will come out. Even Kidd hit two three-pointers at half-time. Is it true that God will not give me?
In the third quarter, the Clippers strengthened their defense, which was rare in the season and was sacrificed by Old Deng Liwei.
The Mavericks’ response is simple. Give the basketball to Yao or Nowitzki immediately. Both singles can attract outside defense, and the Clippers’ joint defense will inevitably be ignored.
Kidd’s three-point shooting has always been bad, but the three-point shooting percentage in the season has just risen to the grid line and has been very stable. The shooting grasp is very great, which makes many teams release Kidd’s practice no longer suitable, because this release of Kidd’s old monster really went in.
Shooting is something that can be practiced, even if it can’t reach the level of national humiliation, it can still be done at the level.
The Clippers played defense in the third quarter, and Kidd hit two three-pointers in the arc top single quarter, which made the Clippers defense show a big hole from the beginning.
Yao then scored two goals in a row in the low post, and the Mavericks played a 1-3 attack wave in the Clippers defense.
Ji was ashamed in the third quarter, but he didn’t succeed. He missed three shots in a row. Although he assisted Ray Allen to make a three-pointer, the Clippers were still pulled to double digits by the Mavericks.
Chapter seven hundred and sixty This is going far.
"Brothers, we have arrived in last stand. What are we considering now? Of course, we will vote if we have the opportunity!" Ji Guoshi couldn’t help but ask his teammates to give him some strength by pausing kung fu. He feels bad these days. If his teammates can’t come out yet, he really wants to go fishing with the dead panda.
Anyway, that guy ran to Los Angeles with two fishing rods yesterday and put that shit in his house, which is also full of malice.
"I was nursing you." Ji Guoqiu was there talking and laughing with Emma Roberts. Every time they stayed together, people couldn’t help but have many evil thoughts. Recently, there were some pornographic photos in Hollywood. As a result, people were not interested in them. What people want to see most now is actually these two pornographic photos. Unfortunately, pandas and little radishes are not Apple phones, and they don’t like to take selfies. There has been no leakage of passenger information.
The game resumed. Ray Allen hit a strong three-pointer, which is the fifth three-pointer he hit today. He finished himself in this game.
Nowitzki turned around and made a rare fake shot, shaking Ji’s humiliation and getting two points to the basket.
Ji was ashamed to think that Nowitzki dared to break through himself with the ball. Suddenly, there were cheers from Mavericks fans and jeers and insults at Fox’s brother.
Iguodala then broke through the basket and missed Yao’s rebound. As a result, his hand was too small, and Ji Guo was humiliated by the side. Fox’s younger brother took off and dunked in place, causing Nowitzki to foul and get two free throws to get revenge.
"This is small!" Yao couldn’t help but scold the tomato Ji Guo shame and smiled at it. It was still one of our own.
In the third quarter, Iguodala broke through and Ray Allen made three-pointers, but Nowitzki and Yao were equally tough on the offensive end. Ji Guo was ashamed to rely on three frontcourt rebounds in a single quarter to get points, but fortunately, his teammates finally rallied and the Clippers were 9 points behind after the third quarter.
The clippers still have a fight in the last quarter.
There are not many Clippers fans to blame for this game. Ray Allen made six three-pointers today. Igor Daladier also scored points in the third quarter, and scored 29 points, 13 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 blocked shots and 3 steals.
It seems that Billups has been playing a relatively average role among several major players in the Clippers for several years.
Billups’ personal data has not dropped much this season, but it has been much less since he played a strong role in the key game this season.

You don’t have any best friends. You are a loner. No one wants to play with you. Your former classmates are not too impressed with you from kindergarten to university. You were dropped out of Beijing Conservatory of Music and wandered around, and no one took care of you. "

Suluo said that after the experience, does it correspond to him in this time?
But it’s true. It’s all suluo’s own experience. Maybe she will have nightmares for several nights, but it’s better to understand something early than to regret it later.
Tell her that these bloody and violent things may be too cruel for her age
Why tell Tang Yike this because suluo’s best friend had already run away.
Segmented reading 366
But his father is the boss. He has been bullied since he was a child. How can he help children’s ideological realm? He went to an Internet cafe and shouted a few people, so he wanted to find a game by himself. As a result, the other party took out his knife.
I don’t care what you do, boss. Let’s talk about it.
On the other hand, another level of the famous Li Moumou incident, why did he dare to do so and take turns?
I’m used to the smooth sailing, and my family can help him out. I don’t know where the bottom line is, and something will happen when my brain is hot.
Suluo is also afraid that Tang Yike is enjoying so much love. What’s the matter? Pulling Master’s sleeve and sprinkling a charming master will definitely help her settle everything. In the long run, more harm than good.
"Shh, it’s a secret."
Tang Yike nodded his head and promised not to tell people that he was still serious and would not change for one hundred years.
Suluo smiled and rubbed her little head.
"Come on, let’s go out to play"
As soon as Tang Yike’s eyes "ding" lit up, "Where are you going?"
"Ha, go to the big shorts."
"Ah, go there again."
"If you don’t want to go, I’ll leave you alone at home, and I don’t have peanuts with you."
"I’ll go too."
After listening to so many scary stories told by suluo, it’s only a ghost for my little girl to dare to stay at home alone.
Go to the underpants, of course. The program problem is over, but the tail of the hand is not cleaned up yet
Suluo left it to Hong Bin, but that guy is now in the new district. There is no way, but suluo has to deal with it himself
And others also pretend to be a director of a certain station, so forget it, the more straightforward the better.
"Poké mon has won the same kind of program ratings again. It can be compared with zj children’s elite animation station."
"Ha ha ha ha ha"
Compared with what? Everyone plays the same animation. Obviously, a certain channel is a little more awesome. They just laugh at each other.
"I really don’t want to continue to close."
"Still ask, you are not white."
"Don’t say it in vain. What can I do without you?"
"You’re going back."
"Why are you so clever?"
"Live for a long time."
"How old are you? You’ve lived a long time. I’m really old."
"It’s better for me if you go back to the general administration. If you don’t move my poké mon Go, I’m amazed and counting on it to make a lot of money."
"Then what’s wrong with you leaving the tip of your tongue China? Everything else has been sold. This one just won’t let go."
"I’ll give you two different things, but at least I’ll put them on a TV. I won’t do it."
"I don’t want anything to happen in the second quarter and the third quarter, such a touching thing as committing a great love and giving up my career to sell mala Tang, which will ruin the reputation of my brother. I want to export Japanese food to the outside world. I can’t just look at Japanese food to force it."
"Uh, what do you mean? You’re so confident."
"It’s nothing. You can eat when I eat."
"Go for a walk. It’s just time for class. Come to Keke and see if uncle can still carry you back."
"Hey, Keke, don’t be rude. When will the tongue be broadcast?"
"When the trailer is released tonight, you are going to make a splash in the sea, and we will be miserable. The fans have been making trouble for a long time. Why haven’t there been any new programs? It’s only been a long time since you got used to it. Poké mon is still on the air. Fans are bombing us in Weibo. You have to show it well."
"I’ll pay the bill later."
"Does this mean that you are a big local tyrant and I will pay the bill if you don’t pay the bill? I said don’t. The last time I attended a press conference, I was afraid of the deep alley. You helped me to shout and give it another fire."
"okay, okay"
It was in the past year that suluo and a certain TV station combined to raise the taste of the audience
Just a month ago, a new program came out, and the audience was dumbfounded. He meowed so fast that it was awesome.
Now it has become "the national treasure is over for so long, and I haven’t seen any new programs except Poké mon."
This not only refers to the previous Chinese poetry conferences, seeing words like a face, but also the second season after the end of the classic chanting. Please give me a reasonable explanation. "
It’s strange that fans don’t blow up a Weibo.
Be reasonable, there are many programs on a certain TV station, but it is not good for the audience to get along with DreamWorks, which makes me recognize these three words.
Be patient. You’ll have to wait until this happens.
Just when the fans were addicted to Poké mon go, it was an exciting time, and a certain TV station finally issued a new program preview announcement.
The fans cried as soon as they "wow", and finally waited for you.
"Look, the new program of Weibo Dream Home has finally arrived. China said that the pit owner didn’t attend the Spring Festival Evening to shoot this one."
"What are you talking about?"
"Look at the name and you will know the food."
"Is it that the pit owner personally teaches cooking and cooking? Hahahahaha"
"Poof, if so, I’ll definitely go to see the picture where my father went to pit the main roast sheep. It’s called a major."
"No, it’s a documentary."
"Then I’ll watch it, too."
"Ha ha"
In the previous documentary, everyone yawned. Now it’s different. If the national treasure can speak, and I have a common understanding after studying the cultural relics in the Forbidden City, it’s definitely different to produce a documentary.
Fans are excited and talking about it.